Numismatics Bulletin, n. 25, July-December 1995
Numismatics Bulletin, Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Rome, n. 25, July-December 1995, pp. 290, richly illustrated, 29 cm, cart. and.
From the Summary: GIUSEPPE GUZZETTA, Monetary circulation in Sicily from the 4th to the 7th century AD; SUSANNE FREY - KUPPER, Coins from the Tiber - The Greek findings. Catalog; FRANCESCA CECI, Money and archeology. Numismatic material from the area between the Tiber and Via Nomentana. Excavations 1989-1993. Catalog; GUIDO DEVOTO, The versatile rock crystal; FEDERICA MISSERE FONTANA, Numismatic collections and antiquarian exchanges in Bologna between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. Part I; HANS-MARKUS VON KAENEL, Ancient numismatics and its material; GIULIO BASILE, The Holy Grail found? Proposal for an anthropological-cultural reading of an Aksum coin. Technical Appendix (GUIDO DEVOTO); CADIZ, 2-6 October 1995, IV International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies (LI MANFREDI); ROME, Mint Museum, Nine unpublished models by Benedetto Pistrucci (L. PIRZIO BIROLI STEFANELLI); KARNTEN-OSTERREICH, Molds for gold bars with imperial mark (G. PICCOTTINI); ROME, Via Balmuccia, Archaeological finds (F. CATALLI, IA RAPINESI, MR GIULIANI); MONTARRENTI (SIENA), excavation campaigns 1982-1984 (C. CICALI); MONTEMASSI (GROSSETO), 1993 excavation campaign (C. CICALI); SIENA, Piazza Duomo, 1988 excavation campaign (C. CICALI); THARROS (ORISTANO), Excavations 1995-1996 (LI MANFREDI).
Of great scientific interest.
In excellent condition.