Numismatic Italy, 105 numbers, 1950-1969
Numismatic Italy, directed by Oscar Rinaldi, Casteldario, aa. I-XX, 105 numbers, 1950-1969, thousands of illustrations and plates, 36 cm.
The lot includes the following numbers:
1950, 9 numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-8, 9, 10, 11-12.
1951, 9 numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11-12.
1955, 7 numbers: 2, 3, 4, 7-8, 9, 10, 11-12.
1956, 7 numbers: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7-8, 9, 11-12.
1957, 3 numbers: 9, 10, 11.
1960, 1 number: 3.
1962, 10 issues, complete year.
1964, 10 issues, complete year.
1965, 10 issues, complete year.
1966, 10 issues, complete year.
1967, 9 numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7-8, 9, 10, 11-12.
1968, 10 issues, complete year.
1969, 10 issues, complete year.
Among the many articles present, we note: G. Perantoni Satta, Variety of coins minted by the mint of Cagliari; G. Cirami, The Roman cult; R. Fuchs, From barter to money in ancient Rome; M. Leogrande, Sibari; M. Bernocchi, A medieval coin: the populace; M. Leogrande, Crotone; Coins of the Anschluss. Guidelines on the coinage of the Austrian Republic; G. Cirami, The Secular Ludi; G. Bruni, Catanzaro and its coins; A. Pistoni, The coins and paper money of the Roman Republic; O. Murari, A storage room of large fake aquiline money from Padua in the Civic Museum of Verona; G. Pini, Lorenzo the Magnificent in a rare medal; F. Di Bello, Velia or Elea ?; News on the fiat course of paper money; M. Leogrande, Aquileja; R. Fuchs, On Celtic coinage, in particular Celtiberian coinage; G. Cirami, Roman colonial coinage; G. Pini, Matilde di Canossa and relations with Mantua, a rebel city; G. Bascapè, The keys of St. Peter; OR, A little-known initials of an engraver under Pope Julius II; Czechoslovakian medalists; J. Tricou, About the coins of Guy Blanchefort Grand master of Rhodes; A. Minì, Historical notes on the Monte dei Paschi di Siena; J. Rosen, Coins of Biblical Times; M. Bernocchi, The Florin of Florence; G. Bascapè, The medals of the Holy Years; F. Vaccaro, Aksumita numismatic typology; W. Goetze, Numismatic Passion of the Emperor Septimius Severus; G. Pini, Notes on the first four 25-year jubilees mentioned on the coins; A particular historical period of the Bolognese Risorgimento recalled by an unpublished papetto by Pius IX; Duke Odoardo Farnese and his mint maker Lodovico Fermi working in the Piacenza workshop; G. Pesce, The shield of Louis XII coined in Genoa in 1507; F. Vaccaro, Aksumita numismatic typology; J. Tricou, Some unpublished Piedmontese coins from the Lyon Museum; L. Sachero, Contoured and hammered bronzes; The pieforts are reunited in France; G. Pini, The conspiracy against Duke Pier Luigi Farnese; RF, Coins of necessity issued by the city of Landau during the sieges of 1702 and 1713; R. Fuchs, The porcelain coins; G. Miscosi, The destruction of Genoa in 205 BC by Magone; R. Fuchs, Of some fourteenth-century seals of Trieste; G. Tabarroni, Celestial and terrestrial globes on Roman coins; V. Johnson, Portraits of Contemporary Medalists; G. Chiapusso, An unpublished Venetian osella that recalls the last victorious battle with the Turks; A. Fiandra, The strange and adventurous history of our lira; OR, How numismatics takes place in Italy; C. Parlato, Medal of the Ptolemies of Siena; French medalists; AR, Quantities of coins minted by the Italian mint; Leogrande, The Mint of Milan; W. Goetze, The coins of necessity of the city of Thale (Prussia); C. Brugnoni, Augusto Ottaviano; M. Leogrande, The mint of Fano; V. Pialorsi, A look at Brescia's medals; G. Tabarroni, Celestial and terrestrial globes on Roman coins; C. Gamberini di Scarfea, About unpublished rotating cones used by the Roman Republic 1797-99; Historical events of Guastalla; G. Guidetti, Isabellian coins of concord during the two diets of Mantua 1611-1612; J. Tricou, Unpublished coins of Italian mints; R. Fuchs, Medals, coins and tickets to honor J. Wolfgang Von Goethe; A. Abbiati, The Trieste mint in the 13th century; R. Fuchs, Monetary art in Hungary from the 11th to the 20th century; etc
There are several sections of the magazine dedicated to current events that allow us to grasp aspects and curiosities of Italian numismatic life at the turn of the fifties and sixties of the twentieth century.
Number 6 from 1950 unattached, otherwise together in excellent condition.