Italian numismatic magazine, 2014
Italian journal of numismatics and related sciences. Founded by Solone Ambrosoli in 1888. Published by the Italian Numismatic Society in Milan, Milan, 2014, pp. 418, richly illustrated, 25 cm, br. and.
From the Index: FM VANNI, The finds from the reliquary bust of San Donato: coins and medals of piety. L. GIANAZZA, F. FORNACCA, Coins and punches in the collections of the Municipality of Masserano and the Alberti La Marmora Archives. L. LAZZARINI, Cyrene. Notes on the beginning of the coinage, on a small collection of nummies and on two unpublished ones. P. VISONÀ, Out of Africa. The Movement of Coins of Massinissa and his Successors across the Mediterranean. Part Two. C. PERASSI, Heliodora's anklets. Sources written for the study of Roman monetary jewelery. R. ARICÒ, The western issue of the anonymous follis class CC CUCINITIZZONI, The mint of the Trivulzio in Val Mesolcina (1526-1530). Inventories and technology. F. PIGOZZO, A treasure trove of golden solids found in the 15th century. A. BERNARDELLI, A list of coinages of Valerio Belli's medals. W. HAHN, G.GIROLA, Paranumismatica of Amedeo, Duke of Aosta, Viceroy of Ethiopia (1937-41). A. SAVIO, A. CAVAGNA, Notes on Alexandrian numismatics II. Alessandria and Nomoì. A. GIULIANI, The "Catholic Majesty" and the new office of the L'Aquila mint. T. LUCCHELLI, From Cairo to Brera: a coin of the name Ombites in a letter from Eduard Rüppell to Gaetano Cattaneo (1822). T. LUCCHELLI: M. Asolati, G. Gorini (edited by), Monetary findings and historical-economic processes in the ancient world. G. GORINI: E. Kolníková, Nĕmčice. Ein Macht-, Industrie- und Handelszentrum der Latènzeit in Mähren und Siedlungen am ihren Rande. Kommentierter Fundkatalog. Münzen. G. GIROLA: I. Vecchi, Etruscan Coinage. Part 1. A Corpus of the Struck Coinage of the Rasna, together with an Historical and Economic Commentary on the Issues. A. CAVAGNA: P. Aydemir, M. Özsaygi, G. Semeraro, A. Travaglini, Museum of İzmir.III. Greek coins T. LUCCHELLI: F. Sinisi, Sylloge Nummorum Parthicorum, New York - Paris - London - Vienna - Teheran - Berlin, VII, Vologases I - Pacorus II. A. SAVIO: F. Catalli, Sylloge Nummorum Romanorum Italy, Florence, Coin cabinet of the National Archaeological Museum, volume I, Caesar Augustus. R. FONTANA: S. Bani, M. Benci, A. Vanni (edited by), The Roman provincial and outlined medallions in the collections of the National Archaeological Museum of Florence, I-II. L. TRAVAINI: F. Gambarotta, L. Polanský, Italian Coins in the National Museum of Prague, I.1. Old Collection. Middle Ages and Early Modern Period (IX-XVI centuries). M. GIONFINI: A. Toffanin, Italian Regional Coins. Vol. XI - Milan. L. TRAVAINI: M. Biddle (ed. By), The Winchester Mint and Coins and Related Finds from the Excavations of 1961-71. C. PERASSI: A. Crisà, Numismatic and Archaeological Collecting in Northern Sicily during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. G. GIROLA: A. Modesti, Leo XIII in the medal (1878-1903). R. JOHNSON and M. JOHNSON: Cesare Johnson. G. GIROLA: Cesare Johnson and his relations with the Numismatic Society. EA ARSLAN: I remember Cesare Johnson. G. GORINI: Cesare Johnson collector and scholar of medals. P. CRIPPA: Cesare Johnson told by a numismatic dealer.
Very good condition.