Italian numismatic magazine, 1999
Italian journal of numismatics and related sciences. Founded by Solone Ambrosoli in 1888. Published by the Italian Numismatic Society in Milan, Milan, 1999, pp. 360, richly illustrated, 25 cm, br. and.
From the Index: M. CASABONA, The coins of Hellenistic Catania between Rome and oriental influences. S. BRUNI, On the circulation of the Aes Grave di Volterra. New contributions. M. BERGAMINI, A treasure trove of Roman Republican coins from Armenzano di Assisi. L. PEDRONI, Saecula and ludi saeculares on republican coins. New elements for a forgotten hypothesis. N. METHY, Une légende rare: ROMA FELIX dans le monnayage du Haut-Empire. J. DE SANTIAGO FERNÁNDEZ, Las emperatrices en la moneda romana. A. SACCOCCI - FM VANNI, Mercantile cards of the secc. XIII-XIV from the excavations of the American mission in Corinth. R. PARDI, Flavian coins during the eighth century. Hypotheses and interpretations. D. CASTRIZIO, Two 15th century closets from Calamizzi (RC). F. SAETTI, A gold multiple of Ercole II d'Este. M. ROMANO, The numismatic interests "My main mood" by Anibal Caro. L. MEZZAROBA, The last medals of Luigi Ferrari, chief engraver at the Mint of Venice. W. MISELLI, Francesco Altomonte engraver at the Paris mint. G. RUSSO - M. CHIEMIENTI, On the tolerance of weight in gold emissions of the Italian late Middle Ages.
Very good condition.