Italian numismatic magazine, 1993, Proceedings of the Coin and Non-Coin Convention, centenary of the Italian Numismatic Society
Italian journal of numismatics and related sciences. Founded by Solone Ambrosoli in 1888. Published by the Italian Numismatic Society in Milan, Linate Graphic Center., Milan, vol. XCV, 1993, pp. 694, many illustrations, 24 cm.
Proceedings of the International Conference of Coin and Non Coin Numismatic Studies, organized on the occasion of the centenary of the Italian Numismatic Society (1892-1992), Milan, 11-15 May 1992.
From the Index: C. Johnson, The Italian Numismatic Society in the hundred years since its foundation (1892-1992); PH. Grierson, Prolusion; N. Parise, Forms of metallic circulation between the Late Bronze Age and the Geometric Age in the Eastern Mediterranean; F. Thierry, Monnaie et monnaies dans la tradition de la Chine antique; M. Oeconomides, "Iron coins": a numismatic challenge; C. Morrisson, Les usages monétaires du plus vil des métaux: le plomb; F. Barello, The rejection of the coin minted in the Greek world. From Sparta to Locri Epizefiri; M. Caccamo Caltabiano, "Money" and "non-currency": aspects of legalization and the declaration out of course in the ancient world; G. Gorini, Pseudomonete incuse from Dalmatia; A. Siciliano, lead "Coins" found in Messapia; H. Cahn, Funktion der signierten Münzen in Syrakus; S. Garraffo, Note on the Siceliot decadams: aspects and functions; R. Ross Holloway, Calculation tokens from the Ustica excavations; M. Campo, Ebjetos paramonetales and monedas objeto en Emporion / Emporiae; K. Mannino, The terracotta coins; C. Arnold-Biucchi, The decay in the Greek world: coins or medals? The Hellenistic decaying; V. Cubelli, Monete and monarchical ideology: the case of Eucratide; C. Alfaro Asins, Use no monetary of algunas monedas punicas of the Iberian peninsula; M. Bar, A propos du poids des plaques d'aes signatum, de leur nature and de leur function; A. Ardovino, Silver ingot with archaic monetary imprints from Paestum; PP Ripolles, Hispania: the acuñaciones locales and the financiatión de las rei publicae; L. Villaronga, Plomos monetiformes de la Citerior of the Roman-Republican period; EA Arslan, Monetary and non-monetary use of the Po Valley Celtic currency. Considerations on the margin of the closet of Manerbio 1955; D. Foraboschi, The hoarding or hidden money; WE Metcalf, Whose liberalitas? Propaganda and audience in the early Roman Empire; R. Pera, The ancient coin as a talisman; P. Serafin Petrillo, The coin as ornament: ancient and modern monetary jewels; C. Perassi, Roman medallions dedicated to the celebration of circus games; F. Barenghi, The "senatorial" medallions: real medallions ?; F. Panvini Rosati, Roman anomalous coinages: pseudo medallions and smooth reverse medallions; P. Kos, Proto-contorniates ?; CE King, The role of gold in the later third century AD; G. Dembski, Römisches Notgeld in Noricum und Pannonia; JP Callu, Un aureus du Barbaricum; K. Skaare, Roman gold medallions and their imitations in Scandinavia; J. Nollé, Städtische Prägerecht und römische Kaiser; MA Mastelloni, Coins and imitations in a small late antique closet; I. Bona, "Barbarische" Nachnahmungen von byzantinischen Goldmünzen im Awarenreich; ML Bates, How egyptian glass coin weights were used; A. Rovelli, Monetary uses in early medieval Italy: the example of the Farfense documentation; G. Depeyrot, Les crises des Ve et Xe siècles: convergences et divergences; K. Jonsson, Italian coins from the IX-XIth centuries found in Sweden; S. Suchodolski, Le problème de la circulation de l'argent sous la forme de bijoux, de lingots et de monnaie fragmentées dans la zone de la Baltique, du IXe au XIe siècle; L. Travaini, Political propaganda in the Norman and Swabian ways of the kingdom of Sicily; AM Stahl, A fouteenth-century venetian coin pattern; PH. Grierson, Money of Account in the Middle Ages; M. Dhénin, Numismatique, sigillographie et diplomatique; M. Crusafont i Sabater, La moneda local, a numerario de suplencia (13th-17th century); M. Jones, Medals as money; B. Schärli, Geld is nicht gleich Münze! Ist die Münze gleich Geld ?; R. Weiller, Les jetons luxembourgeois modernes; LO Lagerqvist, The first european banknotes: the swedisch beginning in the 1660'ies; MR Alföldi, Conclusions.
In perfect condition.