Italian numismatic magazine, 1985
Italian journal of numismatics and related sciences. Founded by Solone Ambrosoli in 1888. Published by the Italian Numismatic Society in Milan, Milan, 1985, pp. 351, richly illustrated, 25 cm, br. and.
From the Index: LI MANFREDI, RSMLQRT, R'SMLQRT: note on the Punic numismatics of Sicily. R. MARTINI, Chronology of oriental issues by Marcus Antonius (I). M. ORLANDONI, The Roman imperial coins "Coulées en Gaule" from the excavations of Aosta. M. CALZOLARI, Treasure of Roman silver coins from the territory of Bondeno (Ferrara). G. RIZZI, Considerations on the prolonged use of Roman money in relation to the stratigraphic and chronological phases of a late Roman house in Sebatum. M. BROZZI, Monetary closets found in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. O. MURARI, On the XII century storage room from Ponte di Brenta of Venetian and Veronese money. P. VOLTOLINA, Gallery of the Republic of Venice. L. REGGIANI, Notes on some little known or unpublished coins of the Greek urban series minted during the Roman Empire. A. DE MADDALENA, When the mint coins history.
Very good condition.