Italian numismatic magazine, 1975
Italian journal of numismatics and related sciences. Founded by Solone Ambrosoli in 1888. Published by the Italian Numismatic Society in Milan, Milan, 1975, pp. 280, richly illustrated, 25 cm, br. and.
From the Index: E. Ercolani Cocchi, Repertoire of the finds of copper loaves. Contribution to the study of the premonetal phases in Italy. F. Sallusto, The material "Auriol type" and the archaic tissue fractions: notes on the typology of the lion's head that bites the prey. L. Brunetti, Investigations on Schlagabzug and on the oscillatory percentage in ancient coins. K. Castelin, The era of the minting of the "Regenbogenschüsselchen" of southern Gemania. A. Pautasso, On the findings of Vindelic states in the Vercelli area. M. Baguzzi, The coins of the "A. Parazzi" civic museum in Viadana. C. Fontana, Notes on some unpublished coins of the Greek urban series minted during the Roman Empire. IV part. V. Picozzi, Again on the problem of identifying the "Colossus of Barletta". DE Queller, A note on the reorganization of the Venetian coinage by doge Enrico Dandolo. A. del Mancino, The first coin series of the mint of Pisa with the eagle and the Virgin enthroned. G. Superti Furga, Clarifications on "Some coins and medals of Francesco II Gonzaga". G. Superti Furga, The vicissitudes of a "lion's thaler" given to Scipione Gonzaga di Bozzolo. C. Riselli, Other unpublished variants of the Roman Republic of 1798-99.
Very good condition. Rare.