Italian numismatic magazine, 1943
Italian journal of numismatics and related sciences. Founded by Solone Ambrosoli in 1892. Official organ of the Italian numismatic society of Milan, Ulrico Hoepli Editore, Milan, vol. III, s. IV, n. XLV, 1943, pp. 36, many illustrations, 32 cm.
Note the following articles: Gian Guido Belloni, Serafino Ricci (with beautiful portrait); Gian Guido Belloni, The depiction of Cybele in a quadriga on a medallion by Antonino Pio (with two plates); Pietro Torrione, Lives of illustrious Italian numismatists: Cardinal Carlo Vittorio della Marmora (with portrait); Giorgio Nicodemi, Modern Italian medalists: Ludovico Pogliaghi (with three plates); etc.
Very slight paperback blooms, but excellent copy. Rare.