Numismatics, 2 issues, complete 1948 vintage
Numismatics. Bimonthly magazine of numismatics, medals, glyptics, sphragistics, P. & P. Santamaria, Rome, a. XIV, 2 numbers, 1948, richly illustrated, cm 30, br. and.
Issue 1-3, January-June 1948: pp. 1-70.
Number 4-6, July-December 1947: pp. 71-138.
The two numbers make up the whole published for the year 1948.
From the Summary: Giuseppe de Ciccio, Of an unpublished tetradramma by Catana and of a silver hemiobolo and the bronze litra by Eryx; Oscar E. Ravel, The symbols on the states of Corinth; Laura Breglia, The coinage of Capua and the problem of the denarius; F. Panvini-Rosati, On an unpublished hybrid denarius (Fonteia-Porcia); Attilio Stazio, Nummus in Plautus; Giovannina Majer, The white of doge Marino Zorzi; A. Patrignani, The first appearance of the old Basilica of S. Pietro or Costantiniana on papal medals; A. Patrignani, A decade of medal activity by Aurelio Mistruzzi; B. Simonetta, Observations on the coins minted by the first Parthian kings; Franco Panvini-Rosati, Vitellio's unique and unpublished Aureo; Tommaso Bertelè, The Keys of St. Peter on a coin of John III, emperor of Nicea (1222-1254); Tommaso Bertelè, Constantine the Great and S. Elena on some Byzantine coins; A. Patrignani, German medals of restitution of Paul II; A. Patrignani, Noah's Ark in medals and coins; Numismatic bibliography; Medalist; etc.
Two elegant ex libris, one on the second cover of each issue.
Very good condition. Very rare set.