Bulletin of the Neapolitan Numismatic Circle, 1965-1966
Bulletin of the Neapolitan numismatic circle, Agar, Naples, a. L-LI, January 1965-December 1966, pp. 152, richly illustrated, 30 cm, br. and.
From the Index: Giovanni Bovi, The Neapolitan coins of Philip V (1621-65) and Henry of Lorraine (1648); Michele Pannuti, The Neapolitan gold coins of Charles and Ferdinand IV of Bourbon; Agnese Catemario, The public of Ferdinand IV of Bourbon; Francesco Paolo Tinozzi, On some types of unknown coins of Abruzzi mints; Roberto Volpes, The end of the Kingdom of Sicily and the unification of the Bourbon monetary systems in 1816; Renato Gaudioso, Umberto and Amedeo di Savoia in a Neapolitan medal; Obituary, Giovannina Majer; List of members.
The full-bodied volume constitutes the entire publication of the Bulletin of the Neapolitan Numismatic Circle for the two-year period 1965-1966.
In perfect condition. Rare.