Morawiecki, Political propaganda in the coinage of the late Roman Republic

Leslaw Morawiecki, Political propaganda in the coinage of the late Roman Republic (44-43 BC), Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, Wroclaw 1983, pp. 108, 8 tables. 24 cm, br. and.

From the Index: The use of political propaganda in the struggle for power in the year 44 BC; Political propaganda and numismatic sources; Issues struck during Caesar's lifetime; Posthumous issues of Caesar; The roles of the army and of propaganda in the formation of political positions in the year 43 BC; The Illyric issue of C. Antonius; Spanish and Sicilian issues of the Pompeian faction; Mark Antony's Gallic issues; M. Antony's and M. Lepidus' issues of denarii; Quinarii issues of M. Antony and M. Lepidus, and provincial coins; Issues of quattuorviri acre,argento,auro,flando feriundo (Senatorial issues); etc.

Insignificant traces of use on the paperback, otherwise in excellent condition. Very rare.


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