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Numismatic Symposium of Barcelona, Volume I

Numismatic Symposium of Barcelona (27 and 28 February 1979), Volume I, sn, Barcelona 1979, pp. 534, richly illustrated, cm 30, softcover ed.

On the title page: Societat Catalana d'Estudis Numismàtics. Sponsored by the Spanish Numismatic Association.

From the Index of the substantial volume: R. Reece, Hallazgos de monedas y métodos de comparación; G. Depeyrot, A propos de la masse monétaire antique: l'exemple des XVIIe-XXe siècles; JM Gurt, The monetary circulation in Rhode (Rosas) during the Roman Empire through two particular collections; E. Ripoll, JM Nuix, L. Villaronga, Circulación monetaria en Emporion; M. Campo, O. Granados, Approximation to monetary circulation in Colonia Barcino; JM Gurt, Monetary circulation in the imperial era on the Catalan coast between the municipalities of Bætulo and Iluro; J. Hiernard, Tarragona: Monedas del siglo III descubiertas en las excavaciones antiguas; E. Manera, O. Granados, Approximation to monetary circulation in the rural area of the island of Mallorca; M. Campo, Circulación monetaria en Menorca; M. Campo, Circulación monetaria en Ibiza (s. III-I BC); E. Collantes, A museum of monetary circulation in the Osca area; M. Campo, Monetary circulation in the Roman Villa of La Olmeda, Pedrosa de La Vega (Palencia); J. Hiernard, Conimbriga, monedas de las excavaciones antiguas (1930-1944 y 1959-1962) y franco-portuguesas (1964-1968); J. Hiernard, J.-C. Richard, Les tresors monétaires du IIIe. after JC d'Aigues Mortes et Saint-Laurent-d'Aigouze (Gard); G. Depeyrot, J.-C. Richard, Etudes des découvertes et de la circulación monetaria dans le Valle du Lot (Lot); S. Keay, The Roman monetary circulation urban and territorial: a study in contrast and compatibility; J. Pellicer, Metrología comtal; M. Barcelo, L'or d'al-Andalus a Catalunya: un or vist i no vist (970-1085); P. Vegué, The monetary circulation of gold in the Iberian Peninsula after the million: the problem of the shortage; L. Domingo, Posible new attribution of the money with the legend Cervaíre; AM Balaguer, M. Crusafont, I. Puig, Els comtats catalans: les seves enuncynacions i àrees d’influència. I. Corpus; FJ Mora, The coefficient between the number of examples and the number of cuños, reflects the content of statistical information; R. Morgenstern, A "fals" with unpublished pieces.

Small ownership signature on the title page.

Very slight signs of age, otherwise in excellent condition.


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