Sicily between Egypt and Rome: the Syracusan coinage of the age of Hiero II, edited by Caccamo Caltabiano

Sicily between Egypt and Rome: the Syracusan coinage of the age of Hieron II. Proceedings of the Study Seminar, Messina, 2-4 December 1993, edited by Maria Caccamo Caltabiano, Grafo editor, Messina 1995, pp. 516, richly illustrated, cm 24, softcover edition with dust jacket.

Supplement No. 1 to the Proceedings of the Peloritana Academy of the Pericolanti, vol. LXIX (1993).

At the top of the title page: University of Messina, Department of Ancient Sciences, Greek and Roman Numismatics; National Research Council, Center for the Study of Greek Archaeology, Catania; Peloritana dei Pericolanti Academy, Class of Letters, Philosophy, BB. AA.

From the Index: Part One - De Sensi Sestito G., Relations between Sicily, Rome and Egypt; Bonacasa N., Sicily and Egypt in the Hellenistic Age: Notes on the Archaeological Documentation; Sfameni Gasparro G., The attestations of Egyptian cults in Sicily in monetary documents; EC Portal, Problems of Hellenistic mosaic in Sicily: relations with Alexandria; Contributions: Santagati E.; Tusa V.; Criscuolo L.; Manganaro G.; Panvini Rosati F.; Prestianni Giallombardo A. Part Two - Caccamo Caltabiano M., Carroccio B., Oteri E., The Hieronian monetary system: chronology and problems; Cahn HA, Artistic aspects of the Syracusan coinage of the age of Hieron II; Bell M., Hieronic coins in new excavation contexts at Morgantina; Castrizio D., The destination of the Agathoclean Pegasi; Carbé A., Note on the coinage of Tauromenion in the 3rd century BC Part Three - Holloway RR, Some stylistic aspects of the Roman quadrigatus; Marchetti P., Sicily, Locri and Roman coinage; Taliercio Mensitieri M., Egypt and Tyrrhenian Magna Graecia in the 3rd century BC; Travaglini A., Punic and Ptolemaic coins in Puglia; Contributions: Garraffo S.; Caccamo Caltabiano M.; Manganaro G.; Guzzetta G. Part Four - Burnett A., The coinage of punic Sicily during the Hannibalic war; Mastelloni MA, Archaeology and numismatics: three hoards from Lipari (Messina); Bacci GM, Messana in the Hellenistic age: recent discoveries; Consolo Langher SN, From Agathocles to Hieronymus. The dynamics of relations between Cyrenaica Sicily and Egypt; Garraffo S., Problems of the Syracusan coinage from Agathocles to Hiero II; Cutroni Tusa A., The Roman quadrigatus in Sicily; Pinzone A., On the Romanization of Sicily in the Age of the Punic Wars; Prestianni Giallombardo AM, Institutional aspects and signs of royalty of the Basileia of Hiero II; Interventions: Radici Colace P.; Carroccio B.; Garraffo S.; Panvini Rosati F.

In excellent condition. Very rare.


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