Contemporary numismatics

Discover the vast and fascinating collection of books dedicated to contemporary numismatics, a field that covers coins issued from the 19th century to the present day. This category offers a detailed overview of modern coins, including those minted during significant historical periods such as the Victorian era, the two world wars, the birth and evolution of modern national economies, and up to the commemorative and special issues of the 21st century. Each work in this section has been carefully selected to provide you with insights into a wide range of topics, including modern minting techniques, stylistic and iconographic evolutions, monetary laws, and their impact on global economies and cultures. The volumes span from the early industrial coins of the 19th century, which marked the beginning of the modern era of coinage, to contemporary coins that reflect the social, political, and technological changes of our time. This collection is perfect for experienced collectors, scholars, and enthusiasts who wish to deepen their understanding of modern coins and their role in recent history. Whether you are looking for a volume to enrich your personal collection, conduct in-depth studies, or simply explore new perspectives on contemporary numismatics, you will find invaluable resources in this category. Explore contemporary numismatics now and embark on a journey through recent monetary history, discovering how coins have reflected and influenced the epochal changes of the last two centuries.

Books in stock: 83.

On this page there are 49-72 of 83 books.

    Repertoire de la numismatique...


    Jean De Mey et Bernard Poindessault, Repertoire de la numismatique francaise contemporaine 1793-1968, Imprimerie Cultura, Brussels-Paris 1969, pp. 252, richly illustrated, 25 cm, br.

    Two ballpoint annotations on the title page, false cover and minimal traces of use, however the catalog is fully usable.

    Variants and errors in the coins...


    Attardi Giovanni, Variants and errors in the coins of the Italian Republic 2002/2003, second edition, Nomisma, Republic of San Marino 2002, pp. 790, richly illustrated, 21 cm, br. and.

    In perfect condition.

    Cicarilli, Papal mints from...


    Sirio Cicarilli, Papal mints from Martin V to Paul VI (1417-1963). Iconography, heraldry, biography, Grafiche Corsi, Civitanova Marche 1973, pp. 124, richly illustrated, 26 cm, br. and.

    In perfect condition

    Collectionneurs et collections...


    Collectionneurs et collections numismatiques. Monnaies, médailles, jetons, Imprimerie nationale, sl 1968, pp. XXIX, 360, richly illustrated, 1 pl. folded, 24 cm, br. and.

    Exhibition held at the Hotel de la Monnaie in Paris from May to September 1968.

    Very slight traces of use on the paperback, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Manzoni, Genoa, Lucca, Parma


    Attilio Manzoni, Genoa 1541-1804. Lucca 1551-1847. Parma 1545-1859. Coins with date in silver and gold and some medals, Numismatic Editions Gima, Villa Fornaci (Mi) 2000, pp. 102, rich in illustrations, 26 cm, half canvas binding ed. with titles on the spine and on the front plate. Elegant ex libris on the last card.

    New one.

    Pagani, Italian coins from the...


    Antonio Pagani, Italian coins from the Napoleonic invasion to the present day (1796-1980), Mario Ratto Numismatica, Milan 1982, third and last edition (the most complete), pp. 440, ill. bn, 28 cm, canvas ed. with gold titles on the back and on the plate.

    Catalog with the description of 5182 coins and 1210 illustrations. Work still very useful today for the classification of the Italian coins of the period under examination.

    Insignificant traces of use to the binding, otherwise in perfect condition ..

    Coins of the House of Savoy....


    Eupremio Montenegro, Coins of the House of Savoy. Kingdom of Italy 1800-1946, Montenegro Publisher, Brescia 1995, pp. 350, richly illustrated, 25 cm, cart. and.

    New one.

    Coins and medals


    Katalin B. Sey, Istvan Gedai, Coins and medals, Corvina press, Magyar Helikon, 1973, pp. 46, 82 beautiful plates. with enlargements, 26 cm, binding in full canvas ed. with gold titles on the spine and dust jacket.

    Small tear on the upper edge of the dust jacket with small restoration, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Majorca, Sicilian contemporary...


    Giacomo Majorca, Sicilian contemporary numismatics or the Corsican coins before 1860, Pietro Pensante's Typography, Palermo 1870, pp. 108 accompanied by 24 splendid color lithographic plates, 18 cm, br. and.

    Very small lack in the margin of the back and of the first three cards, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Very rare original edition.

    Seaby's Standard Catalog of...


    HA Seaby, Seaby's Standard Catalog of British coins. Part 1 and 2. Coins of England and the United Kingdom, BA Seaby, London 1972, 12th edition, pp. 288, richly illustrated, 19 cm, cart. and.

    The catalog presents English coins from antiquity to the contemporary era.

    Annotations to the watch cards, minimal traces of use, however usable text and in good condition.

    Falconi, Piacenza coins, 3 vols.


    Paolo Falconi, The coins of Piacenza, 3 vols., Enrico Chiolini Bookseller-Publisher-Typographer, Piacenza 1914-1920, pp. 300 in total with text within a beautiful red frame, ill., 22 splendid tables. covered with tissue paper, 26 cm, paperback ed. with embossed fillets, black and red titles and illustration applied to the front cover.

    Volume I, Part I, Epoch of the communes 1138-1335, 1914, pp. 108, 3 tablets Numbered copy: 246.

    Volume II, Part II, Visconti, Sforza and Papal dominion 1336-1545, 1920, pp. 96, 6 tablets

    Volume III, Part III, Farnesian and Bourbon dominion 1545-1859, 1920, pp. 96, 13 pl.

    Slight traces of use on the paperbacks, minimal lacks on the spine of volume II, otherwise the work is in more than good condition with perfect interiors.

    Complete and very rare work.

    Alaska's coinage through the years


    M. Gould, K. Bressett, K. and N. Dethridge, Alaska's coinage through the years, Second Edition, Whitman Publishing Company, Wisconsin 1965, pp. 176, richly illustrated, 20 cm, binding on the entire editorial canvas with titles on the spine and on the front plate.

    The volume presents the tokens, souvenir tokens, commemorative medals, strange and curious objects used as money by the pioneers and indigenous people of Alaska.

    In perfect condition.

    Forzoni, Monetary Ephemeris...


    Angiolo Forzoni, Monetary ephemerides (1944-1964), Banco di Sicilia, Rome 1986, pp. VII, 327, cm 24, br. and.

    At the top of the title page: Banco di Sicilia, Research Service.

    Insignificant signs of aging, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Numismatic cabinet, edited by...


    Numismatic Cabinet, edited by Gian Guido Belloni, 2 vols., Electa Editrice, Milan 1977, pp. 401, richly illustrated, 25 cm, binding in all editorial canvas with titles on the backs and front plates, dust jackets. Work with an editorial box.

    Milan Museums and Galleries series.

    The first volume is dedicated to classic coins, the second to medieval, modern and contemporary coins, for a total of 1158 specimens examined.

    Very good condition.

    Collecting world coins


    Chester L. Krause, Clifford Mishler, Collecting world coins. A century of circulating issues 1901-present, seventh edition, United States sd, pp. 718, richly illustrated, 29 cm, br. and.

    New one.

    Montenegro 2008


    Montenegro 2008. Italian coin collector's manual with valuations, number of minted and collected pieces from the 18th century to the present day. Annual papal medals, XX ed., Montenegro Numismatic Editions, Turin 2007, pp. 698, richly illustrated, 22 cm, cart. and.

    New one.

    Montenegro 2005


    Montenegro 2005. Italian coin collector's manual with valuations, number of minted and collected pieces from the 1700s to the present day. Annual papal medals, XX ed., Montenegro Numismatic Editions, Turin 2004, pp. 690, richly illustrated, 22 cm, cart. and.

    New one.

    Euro-unified catalog of Italian...


    Euro-unified catalog of Italian coins and regions. Specialized, XVIII ed., Alfa Edizioni, Turin 2003, pp. 956, richly illustrated, 20 cm, br. and.

    New one.

    Cermentini, Numismatic Price...


    Gino Cermentini, Numismatic price guide for the collector of Italian coins. Coins minted in Italy from 1800 to 1985, XXIV ed., Editrice R2, Bologna 1985, pp. 390, richly illustrated, 17 cm, br. and.

    In excellent condition.

    Numismatic writings in memory of...


    Numismatic writings in memory of Domenico Rossi, edited by Biagio Ingrao, Italian numismatic cultural association, Formia 2008, pp. 102, ill., Cm 24, br. and.

    Supplement to the Quaderno di studi, 3 (2008).

    New one.

    Merou, Coins de France en Amerique


    Henri Merou, Coins de France en Amerique, E. Basset et C. Editeurs, Paris 1912, pp. 176, 19 cm, wonderful coeval half leather binding, plates and gazes in marbled paper, friezes, ribs and titles in gold on the back, upper cut sprayed in gold.

    Traces of use on the back, otherwise a beautiful specimen.

    The Risorgimento closet of Santa...


    The Risorgimento closet in Santa Giulietta (Pavia) 1978. 18th-19th century gold coins, Archaeological Museum, Milan 1982, folder containing 6 papers, 30 cm.

    In perfect condition. Very rare.

    Rossi, Coins of the Grimaldi...


    Girolamo Rossi, Coins of the Grimaldi princes of Monaco collected and illustrated, 2 vols., Oneglia, Lithography typography by Giovanni Ghilini, 24 cm.

    Volume I: 1868, pp. 111, 9 tablets, splendid coeval half leather binding with gold titles on the spine and plates in marbled paper.

    Volume II: pp. 86, ill., 6 tablets of which one folds, br. and.

    Elegant ex libris on the last guard card of both volumes, old reinforcement and insert with typewritten title on the spine of volume II.

    Volumes in excellent condition. Extremely rare together.

    Biondelli, Preface of the work...


    B. Biondelli, Preface of the work The coins of Milan by Francesco and Ercole Gnecchi, Tip. Bernardoni by C. Rebeschini and C., Milan 1884, pp. 58, 33 cm, br. in paper decorated with red lilies.

    Preface by Bernardino Biondelli to the fundamental work of the Gnecchi brothers, published independently with its own title page and pagination.

    Elegant ex libris on the reverse of the first card.

    Traces of use on the first and last card, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Extremely rare.