
Welcome to the Varia section, a collection of studies and books that encompass a wide range of disciplines, all somehow connected to numismatics. In this category, you will find works ranging from archaeology to history, from epigraphy to topography, including disciplines such as anthropology, art history, and ancient economy. These texts have been selected for their value in enriching the understanding of numismatics through diverse and complementary perspectives. Whether you are a collector, a scholar, or a history and culture enthusiast, this collection offers valuable resources to deepen your understanding of the historical and cultural context of coins. Each book and study in this section provides a unique contribution to numismatic studies, exploring themes and topics that intersect with the science of coins and offer new insights. Explore our Varia collection and discover how these disciplines interact, enriching your knowledge of numismatics.

Books in stock: 66.

On this page there are 49-66 of 66 books.

    Barigazzi, Filippo Re (1763-1817)


    Corrado Barigazzi, Filippo Re (1763-1817), Philatelic Numismatic Circle Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia 1989, pp. 73, richly illustrated, 24 cm, br. and.

    In perfect condition.

    Manicardi, Vico D'Incerti


    Nunzia Manicardi, Vico D'Incerti. A century of love of politics and industry, Edizioni Il Fiorino, Modena 2014, pp. 126, 21 cm, br. and.

    Biography of Vico D'Incerti created by the writer Nunzia Manicardi, based on the personal diaries of the numismatist, engineer and industrial manager Vico D'Incerti, who also contributed with numerous patents to the birth and affirmation of the great Italian industry of the first half of the twentieth century. He was also awarded several national prizes for having started the production of photographic and cinematographic equipment in Lombardy on an industrial basis. Very famous all over the world was his patent of the Rondine della Ferrania, the innovative camera that became the symbol of an era. He was one of the most active numismatists of the twentieth century.

    New one. Rare.

    Ermentini, Filanci, Stamp...


    Beppe Ermentini, Franco Filanci, Stamp imprints obtained from postal stationery and used by post, sn, Reggio Emilia 1995, pp. 13-22, ill. bn, cm 27, br. and.

    Extract from: Memoirs of the Italian Academy of Philatelic and Numismatic Studies, vol. VI, fasc. I, 1995.

    Perfect condition.

    Francesco della Martora: an...


    Francesco della Martora: an economist in the 19th century Capitanata, edited by Luca Lombardi, Preface by Giuseppe Ruotolo, work published under the aegis of the Italian Academy of Numismatic Studies, Biblionumis Edizioni, Terlizzi 2016, pp. XVI, 68, 21 x 15 cm, editorial paperback, ISBN 978-88-99512-01-9.

    Historical Sciences, 1. Series directed by Luca Lombardi.

    Francesco della Martora (1809-1884) was a concrete protagonist of the economic, moral and civil development of the kingdom of the Two Sicilies, however his figure until now has been known only to a small circle of local scholars. Economist with an eclectic culture, with his multifaceted activity he played an important role in supporting, progressing and expanding the industry, agriculture and commerce of Capitanata and the surrounding areas, to the point that his ideas and his work were universally recognized. and appreciated. The analysis of the figure of Francesco della Martora and his activity is entrusted in this volume to two works. The first work, "A Foggia economist of the nineteenth century. Francesco della Martora", by Dr. A. Taronna, was prepared as a thesis for the Faculty of Law of the R. University of Bari, for the academic year 1931-32 . Unpublished to date and consisting of six chapters, the text is the result of careful investigation and presents the life, pragmatic nature and work of the economist of Capitanata with efficacy and compositional agility. The dissemination of this document after almost 90 years from its creation allows it to be rescued from oblivion, enriching with a piece the mosaic of the biographies published by the illustrious men of the kingdom of the Two Sicilies, in an area in which, today as at the time of the drafting of the work, is particularly lacking. This bibliographic insufficiency reveals the difficulties encountered by the author in his investigations and allows us to better appreciate the fruit of his labors. In the sparse bibliography available on the subject there is the "Funeral praise of the knight Francesco della Martora" made by E. Barone, the second work included in this volume. Printed for the first time in Foggia in 1884, for the types of the S. Pollice typolithographic establishment, it is anastatically re-proposed in this text to complete Dr. Taronna's paper. Two texts are therefore made available to scholars, as a tool for work and knowledge, from which peculiarities in the past little considered, or completely ignored, of the man della Martora and the economist della Martora emerge with vigor. Published by Luca Lombardi with a Preface by Giuseppe Ruotolo, the work, which constitutes the first volume of the Historical Sciences Series, was printed in a limited number of copies and on ivory paper. As proof of the exceptional nature of this publishing event, the publication is made under the aegis of the Italian Academy of Numismatic Studies.

    Nobility, 53 numbers, from 2001...


    Nobility. Magazine of Heraldry Genealogy Orders of Chivalry, bimonthly publication, editor-in-chief-founder Pier Felice Degli Uberti, 53 issues, aa. VIII-XX (2001-2012), pp. 128 each, ill. bn and col., cm 24, br. and.

    The lot includes: 2001, nos. 42-45 (nos. 40 and 41 are missing, one issue is double); 2002, nos. 46-50 (no. 51 is missing, one number is double); 2003, nos. 52-57 (complete year, one issue is double); 2004, nos. 58-63 (complete year, one issue is double); 2005, nos. 64-69 (complete year, one issue is double); 2006, nos. 70-75 (complete year, one issue is double); 2007, nos. 76-81 (complete year, one issue is double); 2008, nos. 82-86 (no. 87 is missing, one number is double); 2009, nos. 88-93 (complete year, one issue is double); 2010, nos. 95-99 (no. 94 is missing, one number is double); 2011, nos. 100-104 (no. 105 is missing, one number is double); 2012, nos. 106-110 (no. 111 is missing, one number is double). In total 53 numbers.

    A few minimal creases, otherwise perfect.

    Tangorra, Savings and credit in...


    Vito Tangorra, Savings and credit in Santeramo in Colle, Grafica Safra, Bari 1977, pp. 53, ill., Cm 25, br. and.

    Title page membership label.

    Traces of use. Extremely rare publication.

    D'Agostino, Specificity of...


    Guido D'Agostino, Specificity of fascism and social protest in Campania, L. Pellegrini Editore, sl (Cosenza?) Sd (1990?), Pp. 177-179, 24 cm.

    Estr. from: Geography and forms of social dissent in Italy during fascism (1928-1934).

    In perfect condition. Rare.

    D'Agostino, Alfonso the...


    Guido D'Agostino, Alfonso the Magnanimous and Naples, if, slsd, pp. 111-121, cm 24, br. and. moult.

    In perfect condition. Very rare.

    D'Agostino, Problems of Southern...


    Guido D'Agostino, Problems of southern urban history in the modern age, Gallizzi, Sassari 1994, pp. 319-325, cm 24, br. and.

    Estr. from: Proceedings of the Conference on Alghero, Catalonia, the Mediterranean (Alghero, 30 October-2 November 1985).

    In perfect condition. Very rare.

    D'Agostino, Naples: a...


    Guido D'Agostino, Naples: a Mediterranean capital, Leo S. Olschki, Florence 1993, pp. 187-193, cm 24, br. and.

    Estr. from: The ideologies of the European city from Humanism to Romanticism.

    In perfect condition. Rare.

    D'Agostino, From Toledo to...


    Guido D'Agostino, From Toledo to Masaniello. Power and institutions in Naples between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Polygraphic Institute and State Mint, sl (Rome?) Sd (1992?), Pp. 23-34, 25 cm, br. and.

    Estr. from: Centers and suburbs of the Baroque. Neapolitan Baroque.

    In perfect condition. Rare.

    D'Agostino, Recent studies of...


    Guido D'Agostino, Recent studies of Neapolitan history in the period of Spanish dominance, Neapolitan Society of Homeland History, Naples 1968, pp. 473-490, 25 cm, br. and.

    Estr. from: Historical Archive for the Neapolitan Provinces, s. III, vol. V-VI (1966-67).

    Great copy. Very rare.

    D'Agostino, The Neapolitan...


    Guido D'Agostino, The Neapolitan parliament in the Spanish age, Neapolitan Society of Homeland History, Naples 1973, pp. 11-27, 25 cm, br. and.

    Estr. from: Historical Archive for the Neapolitan Provinces, s. III, vol. XI (1973).

    Great copy. Very rare.

    D'Agostino, The internal...


    Guido D'Agostino, The internal political-representative system of the Kingdom of Naples between the Aragonese monarchy and the Spanish viceroyalty, Typographic art, Naples 1978, pp. 42, 25 cm.

    Estr. from: Historical Archive for the Neapolitan Provinces, 1977.

    Autograph dedication of the author to the title page dated 18 November 1978. Of great interest.

    Great copy. Very rare.

    D'Agostino, Recent studies of...


    Guido D'Agostino, Recent studies of Neapolitan history (XVI-XVIII centuries), Neapolitan Society of Homeland History, Naples 1970, pp. 383-393, 25 cm, br. and.

    Estr. from: Historical Archive for the Neapolitan Provinces, s. III, vol. VII-VIII (1968-69).

    Great copy. Very rare.

    Venice and its lagoons, 4 parts...


    Venice and its lagoons, 4 parts in 3 volumes, in the IR privil. stab. Antonelli, Venice 1847, pp. 2242 overall, 23 tablets of which 3 folds, 28 cm, precious coeval binding in Moroccan middle with nerves, titles in gold on the back and sprinkled cuts.

    Volume I: Volume I, Part I, pp. 367. Linked with: Volume I, Part II, pp. 500, 4 splendid tables. reproducing coins, 1 pl. geogr. folded. Linked with: Appendices, pp. 107, 1 large plate. geogr. folded.

    Volume II: Volume II, Part I, pp. 594.

    Volume III: Volume II, Part II, pp. 516, 16 splendid plates, 1 large plate geogr. folded. Linked with: Appendices, pp. 158.

    I compose the volumes with the following monographs: Sagredo, Civil and political history; Zinelli, Ecclesiastical News; Manin, Venetian jurisprudence; Calucci, Finance; Zon, Mint and coins; Casoni, Military Forces; Lazzari, Travelers and Navigators; Zanotto, Painting; Sagredo, Architecture, sculpture and chalcography; Carrer, Literature and dialect; Canal, Music; Cicogna, The noble families; Cadorin, Magistrates; Veludo, Eastern Greek colony; Wittche, evangelical community of Augustan confession of Protestants; Lattes, Jewish community; Foscolo, News of the Lagoon; Zanardini, Flora; Nardo, Marine fauna; Contarini, Terrestrial fauna; Namias, Climate and Public Health; Arrigoni, Public health measures; Sagredo, Civil and military status; Arrigoni, Institutes of scholastic and moral education; Veludo, Academies, libraries, scientific collections, medals, printers and newspapers; Tomasoni, Public Aid; Tomasoni, Free port, industry, trade; Locatelli, Parties, shows and substitutes; Zanotto, Description of the city; Carrer, Isole and Chioggia; Cadorin, Public and private archives; the work closes with a large section dedicated to the Venetian bibliography. For the realization of this powerful work the best specialists of the time collaborated for each subject treated, thus providing a vast panorama of the social, economic, cultural, scientific and political life of Venice on the eve of the uprisings of 1848-49.

    The table folded geographical area of the Appendices to vol. I is linked to the end of vol. II, p. II. Membership stamp on the reverse of the title pages, dry embossed on tables and post plates. Ex libris superimposed with old library deletion stamp. Ligatures with very slight traces of use, volume II has the upper cap removed, however on the whole it is a complete work of all its parts, in excellent condition, with fresh and marginal paper.

    Pogliani, Historical notes on...


    Augusto Pogliani, Historical notes on the public and private life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Stamperia and Cartiere del Fibreno, Naples 1842, pp. 393, cm 21, elegant coeval half leather binding with titles and beautiful gold friezes on the spine.

    Embossed membership stamp in the buttonhole. Very slight traces of use to the binding, otherwise a perfect example with a still very solid binding.

    Very rare work embellished with fine binding.

    Proceedings of The American...


    Proceedings of The American Numismatic Society. Eighty-second Annual Meeting, January 13 1940. List of officers and members, The American Numismatic Society, New York 1940, pp. 73, 17 cm, br. and.

    Publication that allows us to grasp particular aspects of the life of this important Sodality. The lists of members up to 1940 are very interesting.

    Minimal paperback blooms, but overall in perfect condition.