
Welcome to the Varia section, a collection of studies and books that encompass a wide range of disciplines, all somehow connected to numismatics. In this category, you will find works ranging from archaeology to history, from epigraphy to topography, including disciplines such as anthropology, art history, and ancient economy. These texts have been selected for their value in enriching the understanding of numismatics through diverse and complementary perspectives. Whether you are a collector, a scholar, or a history and culture enthusiast, this collection offers valuable resources to deepen your understanding of the historical and cultural context of coins. Each book and study in this section provides a unique contribution to numismatic studies, exploring themes and topics that intersect with the science of coins and offer new insights. Explore our Varia collection and discover how these disciplines interact, enriching your knowledge of numismatics.

    • New

    Cabrino Fondulo from the old...


    Germano Fenti, Mario Fondelli, Cabrino Fondulo from the old bibliography to new and unpublished research. From the image of the assassination to that of the prince open to the reality of his time, ADAFA, Cremona 2001, pp. 31, richly illustrated, cm 24.

    Valid biographical work with extensive numismatic references.

    In perfect condition.

    • New

    Life, society and customs in...


    Life, Society and Customs in Sixteenth-Century Bologna. Collection of 20 Proclamations from 1565 to 1598, edited by Giancarlo Roversi, photographs by Carlo Cavalli, Cooperativa Editoriale I Martedì, Bologna 1979, folder with 20 anastatic reproductions of proclamations, 36 cm.

    Very slight traces of use on the folder, announcements in perfect condition.

    Ruggiano, Grossi di Zirgoni,...


    Raffaele Ruggiano, GV Grossi di Zirgoni, Comparative studies on the ancient and modern organization of the Banco di Napoli, Raimondi typographical establishment, Naples 1885, pp. 249, 25 cm, beautiful and solid coeval binding in half percalline with marbled paper plates, gold titles on the spine and sprayed cuts.

    Slight signs of wear on the back, otherwise in perfect condition. Rare.

    Wallace Collection Catalogues,...


    J. G. Mann, Wallace Collection Catalogues. Sculpture. Marbles, terracottas and bronzes, carvings in ivory and wood, plaquettes, medals, coins, and wax-reliefs. Text with historical notes and illustrations, Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, London 1931, pp. XXIV with frontispiece portrait of Sir Wallace, pp. 238, richly illustrated, 99 plates. including plaques, medals and coins, 26 cm, solid half-cloth binding, br. and. applied to the front plate.

    Catalog of Sir's sumptuous collection. Richard Wallace (1818-1890).

    In excellent condition.

    Borghesi, Oeuvres completes,...


    Bartolomeo Borghesi, Complete works. Publiees par les orders et auxfrais de SM l'Empereur Napoleon III, 8 vols., Imprimerie Imperiale, Paris 1862-1879, pp. 4264 overall, ill., 5 tables. total, 29 cm, beautiful half-canvas binding, plates decorated with phytomorphic motifs, titles and gold fillets on leather gusset on the spine.

    The lot includes the following volumes:

    Volume I: Oeuvres numismatiques I, 1862, pp. VIII, 517, 1 table. engraved by Dardel.

    Volume III: Oeuvres epigraphiques I, 1864, pp. 549, ill.

    Volume IV: Oeuvres epigraphiques II, 1865, pp. 540, 2 splendid plates. engraved by Dardel.

    Volume V: Oeuvres epigraphiques III, 1869, pp. 641.

    Volume VI: Lettres I, 1868, pp. 517, ill.

    Volume VII: Lettres II, 1872, pp. 613, ill.

    Volume VIII: Lettres III, 1872, pp. 628, ill.

    Volume IX: Nouveau fragments des fastes consulaires, 1879, pp. 251, ill., 2 large plates. foldable

    Set of 8 volumes, out of 10, of the sumptuous work of the famous numismatist and epigraphist Bartolomeo Borghesi (1781-1860), created by will and at the expense of Emperor Napoleon III.

    Portrait of the author missing from the vol. VIII, tear from the internal margin of the volume. I without losses, stamp of ownership of an extinct library on the first leaves of some volumes, reinforcement on the last leaf of the volumes. V and VI, ordinary signs of aging, otherwise texts in excellent condition with very fresh paper, in nicks and largely untouched.

    Extremely rare.

    Furnari, Dynastic Chronology of...


    Mario Furnari, Dynastic Chronology of the Kingdom of Naples, Fiorentino Editrice, Naples 1978, pp. 84, 24 cm, br. and.

    Beautiful edition on heavy paper.

    Old, non-defacing halo on the back cover, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Of the return of our system of...


    Carlo Afan de Rivera, On the return of our system of measures, weights and coins to its ancient perfection, From the Stamperia and Carteria del Fibreno, Naples 1838, pp. VI, 246 with titles in black framed on the front cover, 23 cm, br. and. protected by contemporary paper.

    Monumental metrological repertoire of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies embellished by the following handwritten annotation on the back cover: Gift of Luigi Oberty, Inspector of Bridges and Roads, 1838. The engineer Luigi Oberty (1790-1874) was Director General of the Superior Council of Public Works and is remembered for having created important buildings and works in the neoclassical style in various Italian cities.

    Traces of use on the paperback, interior in excellent condition with fresh paper and stubble.

    Very rare.

    Karaman Derbe Kertihöyük and the...


    M. Vehbi Uysal, Karaman Derbe Kertihöyük and the archaeological researches of the vicinity, Ankara 1990, pp. 44, richly illustrated, 20 cm.

    Publication with numismatic references and coin images.

    Minimal abrasion to front cover, otherwise in excellent condition.


    D'Avella, Funeral honors made in...


    Mariano Leopoldo d'Avella, Funeral honors paid to the memory of Salvatore and Gio. Vinc. Fusco, Stamperia del Fibreno, Naples 1850, pp. VII, 367, splendid engravings in the text, 2 tablets. with the portraits of the Fusco, cm 27, elegant coeval half leather binding with titles and decorations in gold on the spine.

    Neapolitan edition of great interest, full of numismatic references.

    Traces of use and minimal abrasions to the binding, slight blooms and some signs of aging on the pages, however a discreet copy. Extremely rare.

    Baer, On gold coins and their...


    Costantino Baer, On gold coins and their legal value, Gaetano Nobile's Printing House, Naples 1854, pp. 66, cm 24, paperback ed. with titles and decorations protected by cover.

    Elegant ex libris on the back cover.

    Overall an excellent specimen. From research carried out, no copy of this publication has ever appeared on the market. Extremely rare Neapolitan edition.

    Summary of weights and measures...


    Summary of the weights and measures of capacity and foreign currencies of the main trading squares according to their yield in Naples, From the Printing House of the Ministry and Real Secretariat of State of the General Police, Naples 1826, pp. 31, coat of arms of the Giornale delle Due Sicilie on the title page, 19 cm, br. moult.

    Specimen trimmed at the margins, however in excellent condition.

    Extremely rare, missing in all specialized libraries listed.

    Protection of cultural heritage,...


    The protection of cultural heritage, juridical-operational aspects, Rome 2007, pp. 105, 29 cm, br. and.

    Supplement to n. 48-49 of the Numismatics Bulletin.

    Proceedings of the Conference: Rome judicial city, Aula Magna of the Court of Appeal, 8 March 2007.

    In excellent condition.

    Illicit trafficking of the...


    Illicit trafficking of the archaeological heritage. Internationalization of the phenomenon and problems of contrast, Rome 2002, pp. 500, 29 cm, br. and.

    Supplement to n. 38 of the Numismatics Bulletin.

    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, Rome 25-28 June 2001.

    In excellent condition.

    Illicit circulation of works of...


    Illicit circulation of works of art. Principle of good faith, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Rome 2001, pp. 420, 29 cm, br. and.

    Supplement to n. 36 of the Numismatics Bulletin.

    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, Rome 12-16 June 2000.

    In excellent condition.

    Illicit circulation of works of art


    Illicit circulation of works of art, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Rome 2000, pp. 296, cm 29, cart. and.

    Supplement to n. 34-35 of the Numismatics Bulletin.

    Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, 1999.

    From the Summary: BEATRICE FABBRETTI, Legambiente for the prevention and reporting of traffic in archaeological finds from clandestine excavations; MARCELLO PACINI, The most recent legislative interventions in the cultural heritage sector. In conclusion: SERGIO SIRACUSA, Commander General of the Carabinieri; GIAMPAOLO D'ANDREA, Undersecretary of State of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities.

    In excellent condition.

    Magnaguti, In the claws of black...


    Alessandro Magnaguti, Among the claws of black beasts, Tip. of the Seminary, Padua 1946, pp. 152, 22 cm, br. and.

    Autobiography of the famous Mantuan numismatist Count Alessandro Magnaguti (1887-1966).

    Work embellished with a long autograph dedication by the author, dated 8 August 1946, to Donna Paola Zancani Montuoro (1901-1987), illustrious archaeologist and pupil of the numismatist Giulio Emanuele Rizzo.

    Minimal traces of use on the paperback, otherwise in good condition.

    Extremely rare.

    Cavedoni, Archaeological...


    Celestino Cavedoni, Archaeological historical report of two ancient Christian cemeteries in the city of Chiusi, for the Heirs Soliani Tipografi Reali, Modena 1853, pp. 99, 23 cm, br. coeval mute.

    Monograph of historical and archaeological interest by the illustrious numismatist Mons. Celestino Cavedoni.

    Signs of time and minimal blooms, otherwise intact and in excellent condition.

    Extremely rare.

    The Bank of Italy, 100 years...


    The Bank of Italy, 100 years old. 1893-1993. With a presentation by Antonio Fazio and an introductory essay by Sergio Romano, Edizioni dell'Elefante, Venice 1993, pp. X, 140, richly illustrated, 88 tablets. in color, 29 cm, elegant editorial binding throughout the canvas, with titles and embossed decorations on the spine and on the front plate, dust jacket and slipcase.

    New one.

    Marchese, The Italian military...


    Giuseppe Marchese, The Italian military post 1939-1945. Postal stamps, fourth edition, Italian Association of Military Mail Collectors and Postal History, Rimini 2011, pp. IX, 404, richly illustrated, 24 cm, br. and.

    In perfect condition.

    Tower, Vittorio Emanuele III


    Mariano Torre, Vittorio Emanuele III twenty-fourth Duke of Savoy third King of Italy and the First World War, sn, slsa, pp. 181, richly illustrated, 24 cm, br. and.

    Royal family necklace.

    An interesting and very rare biography of the numismatic king.

    In excellent condition.

    Progressive balance of the...


    Progressive return of the coin of ancient minting with the current papal lira from quattrino to hundred thousand scudi and from one hundredth of a lira to one hundred thousand lira. For any accounting operation with the addition of the calculation from one to one hundred for the coins from 2 to 20 lire and a table representing the interest on money at 6 per cent, Leonardo Olivieri Editore Tipografo, Rome 1868, pp. IV, 208, 20, 1 pl. folded. with Table of interest at 6 per 100 calculated by days and by months, 19 cm, br. and. protected by coeval blank paper. Extinct library pencil placement signature on the title page, insignificant lack in the lower right margin of the first two leaves, minimal traces of use, otherwise in more than good condition.

    Very rare.

    The Roman Daunia: city and...


    National conference on prehistory, protohistory, history of Daunia. San Severo 6-8 December 1996. The Roman Daunia: city and territory from the Romanization to the Imperial Age. Proceedings, edited by Armando Gravina, Archeoclub d'Italia, San Severo 1999, pp. 461, richly illustrated, 24 cm, br. and.

    The volume includes interesting contributions including: P. Principe, Teanum Apulum in the Second Punic War: the numismatic documentation.

    Other present works: M. Silvestrini, Aecae, Luceria, Arpi: notes on the “gentes” of the three Roman centers of the Celone valley; A. Gravina, Some rural settlements between lower Fortore and southern Gargano. Topography notes; J. Mertens, Notes for the topography of Bovino in Roman times; M. Corrente, Canosa: the Town Hall; L. Di Cosmo, Cases of reuse in the church of Santa Maggiore di Siponto; R. Compatangelo Soussignan, Centuriation without settlers? The case of Canosa in the framework of the royal Apulia et Calabria; L. Pietropaolo, Roman ceramics in Daunia between Romanization and the Late Antiquity. Notes on production and dissemination; L. Notarangelo, Diomede in Turi and Metaponto: for a rereading of schol. to Pind. Nem. X 12; F. Grelle, Settlement forms, territorial planning and municipal organization in the Celone district; J. Mertens, Herdonia, Roman city of Daunia; F. Hilgert, The mosaic floors of the monumental complex of San Giusto (Lucera): preliminary report; L. Marchi, The Venosian district: documents for a Romanization process; E. Casteels, The town hall of Teanum Apulum; O. Dally, The sanctuary in San Leucio di Canosa di Puglia; F. D'Aloia, Imported tableware from late antiquity archaeological contexts from the villa of Agnuli in Mattinata; M. Mazzei, Introduction to the Conference; G. Legrottaglie, The portraiture of the Roman age in Lucera; L. Casavola, The amphorae of the Roman villa of Agnuli (Mattinata-Foggia); M. Mazzei, Lucera; AG Blundo, Roman funerary monuments in Daunia; G. Volpe, For a history of the agricultural landscapes of Roman Daunia; G. Volpe, Ports, routes and trade in the Roman Daunia; M. Chelotti, General picture of imperial property in northern Apulia; MG De Fino, Recent epigraphic acquisitions from Orsara di Puglia (Foggia). Notes for a history of the territory; G. De Felice, Recent excavations at the Roman bridge over the Carapelle (Ordona, FG); M. Mazzei, Siponto: the Colony; L. Todisco, On some ideal types in the statuary of the imperial age in Daunia.

    Slight traces of use on the paperback, otherwise in more than good condition.

    Taras, Journal of archeology, n....


    Taras. Archeology magazine, National History Society for Puglia, Bari, n. XXVI, 2006, pp. 88, richly illustrated, 29 cm, br. and.

    Much of the magazine is dedicated to the contribution of T. Montesardo, Treasure of Roman coins of the Republican age found in 1936 in Avetrana (Taranto), with 100 copies reproduced.

    Very slight traces of use, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Muro Leccese. Discovering a...


    Muro Leccese. Discovering a medieval land. A city, its people, its roots, edited by Paul Arthur, Brunella Bruno, Mauro Congedo Editore, Maglie 2007, pp. 91, richly illustrated, 28 cm, br. and.

    Among the various contributions present: Giuseppe Libero Mangieri, Medagliere. The treasure of Muro Leccese.

    In perfect condition.