Modern numismatics

Dive into the fascinating world of modern numismatics with our extensive selection of books, studies, and texts dedicated to coins issued from the Renaissance to the Congress of Vienna. This category offers you the opportunity to explore how modern coins have reflected the social, political, and economic changes of this crucial period, telling stories of power, innovation, and national identity. Modern numismatics covers a fundamental era in which coins became not only economic tools but also cultural symbols that influenced and accompanied great historical transformations, from the rise of Renaissance city-states to the stabilization of European nations after the Napoleonic Wars. In our catalog, you will find works that meticulously analyze the monetary issues of different states, including rare and hard-to-find coins, with particular attention to historical moments such as the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Napoleonic Wars. Each volume has been carefully selected to ensure high-quality content, with insights into iconography, minting techniques, monetary legislation, and the evolution of economic systems during this period. Perfect for collectors, scholars, and enthusiasts, this catalog allows you to enrich your knowledge and collection with unique and valuable works. Whether you're looking for a book to deepen your studies, expand your collection, or simply discover new perspectives on the history of modern coins, our selection offers everything you need. Explore modern numismatics now and discover how these small metal objects have played a fundamental role in human history, influencing the course of events and reflecting the epochal changes that have defined modern societies.

Books in stock: 168.

On this page there are 97-120 of 168 books.

    Coins of the Sienese Republic


    Beatrice Paolozzi Strozzi, Giuseppe Toderi, Fiorenza Vannel Toderi, The coins of the Sienese Republic, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Siena 1992, pp. 499, richly illustrated in color, 33 cm, beautiful binding in all green canvas ed. with titles and decorations on the spine and on the front plate, dust jacket and slipcase ed.

    Very light traces of use, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Di Giulio, From the Medici coinage


    Gustavo Di Giulio, From the Medici coinage. The large-sized silver coins struck in the mints of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany under the Lordship of the Medici, Mario Ratto Numismatica, Milan 1984, pp. X, 141, richly illustrated, 2 large and splendid plates. folded, 30 cm, binding in all canvas ed. with gold titles on the spine and on the front plate.

    In perfect condition.

    Kleeberg, Money of pre-federal...


    John M. Kleeberg, Money of pre-federal America, The American Numismatic Society, New York 1992, pp. XI, 253, richly illustrated, 24 cm, binding in all canvas ed. with titles and decorations on the spine and on the front plate.

    At the bottom of the title page: Coinage of the Americas Conference at The American Numismatic Society, New York, May 4, 1991.

    In perfect condition.

    Perini, The coins of Verona,...


    Quintilio Perini, The coins of Verona, Arnaldo Forni Editore, Bologna 1981, pp. 110, richly illustrated, 24 cm, br. and.

    Anastatic reprint of the Rovereto edition, 1902.

    In perfect condition.

    Factories, Research on the...


    Gabriele Fabbrici, Research on the Novellara mint (1533-1728), Ruozi Typography, Novellara 1975, pp. 90, richly illustrated, 2 cart. top., cm 25, br. and.

    Publication in excellent condition and uncommon.

    Cicarilli, Papal mints from...


    Sirio Cicarilli, Papal mints from Martin V to Paul VI (1417-1963). Iconography, heraldry, biography, Grafiche Corsi, Civitanova Marche 1973, pp. 124, richly illustrated, 26 cm, br. and.

    In perfect condition

    Cahn, Die Münzen des Hochstifts...


    Erich B. Cahn, Die Münzen des Hochstifts Eichstätt, Geiger, Grünwald bei München 1962, pp. 160, richly illustrated, 1 pl. folded, 24 cm, binding in all canvas ed. with gold titles on the spine, embossed decorations on the front plate and dust jacket.

    Minimal traces of use on the dust jacket, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Cibrario, Promis, Documents,...


    Luigi Cibrario, Domenico Casimiro Promis, Documents, seals and coins belonging to the history of the Savoy monarchy collected in Savoy in Switzerland and in France by order of King Carlo Alberto, from the Royal Printing House, Turin 1833, 121, 389, in the front door 1 pl. beautifully engraved in copper and covered with tissue paper, cm 23, br. and. protected by br. coeval wetsuit.

    Work embellished with an autograph dedication by Promis to the editorial paperback.

    This monograph was published by the will of the director after the literary journey carried out in 1832 by the two scholars in Savoy, Switzerland and France, in search of ancient monuments, in the fields of sphragistics and Savoy numismatics between the 10th and 14th centuries, with patient historical investigations. and archival. Domenico Promis at the time held the role of Conservator of the Savoyard medal collection, while the Cibrario was definitively establishing himself as a historian and medievalist. The publication, which appeared in a non-venal edition for the types of the Royal Printing House, bears witness to the attention and interest in the historical studies of Carlo Alberto.

    Lossless tear on the editorial paperback, for the rest volume in excellent condition and in beards.

    Very rare.

    Pialorsi, Coins of the mint of...


    Vincenzo Pialorsi, Coins of the Brescia mint in the collection of the Brescia civic museums, Municipality of Brescia, Brescia 1984, pp. 89, richly illustrated, 1 pl., Cm 24, br. and.

    In perfect condition.

    Fish, Genoese coins


    Giovanni Pesce, Genoese coins 1139-1814, Artistic Books Editions, Milan 1963, pp. 156, richly illustrated, 28 beautiful plates. in col., 25 cm, binding in all editorial canvas with decoration on the front plate and dust jacket.

    Elegant bookplate inside the back plate.

    Dust jacket with small restoration, traces of use, and tears without losses, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Collectionneurs et collections...


    Collectionneurs et collections numismatiques. Monnaies, médailles, jetons, Imprimerie nationale, sl 1968, pp. XXIX, 360, richly illustrated, 1 pl. folded, 24 cm, br. and.

    Exhibition held at the Hotel de la Monnaie in Paris from May to September 1968.

    Very slight traces of use on the paperback, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Manzoni, Genoa, Lucca, Parma


    Attilio Manzoni, Genoa 1541-1804. Lucca 1551-1847. Parma 1545-1859. Coins with date in silver and gold and some medals, Numismatic Editions Gima, Villa Fornaci (Mi) 2000, pp. 102, rich in illustrations, 26 cm, half canvas binding ed. with titles on the spine and on the front plate. Elegant ex libris on the last card.

    New one.

    Manzoni, Venice


    Attilio Manzoni, Most Serene Republic of Venice 1192-1719. Coins-oselle in silver and gold from the Grosso Matapan by Enrico Dandolo 41st Doge 1192-1205, Numismatic Editions Gima, Villa Fornaci (Mi) 1999, pp. 110, rich in illustrations, 26 cm, half canvas binding ed. with titles on the spine and on the front plate.

    New one.

    Pagani, Italian coins from the...


    Antonio Pagani, Italian coins from the Napoleonic invasion to the present day (1796-1980), Mario Ratto Numismatica, Milan 1982, third and last edition (the most complete), pp. 440, ill. bn, 28 cm, canvas ed. with gold titles on the back and on the plate.

    Catalog with the description of 5182 coins and 1210 illustrations. Work still very useful today for the classification of the Italian coins of the period under examination.

    Insignificant traces of use to the binding, otherwise in perfect condition ..

    Coins of the House of Savoy....


    Eupremio Montenegro, Coins of the House of Savoy. Kingdom of Italy 1800-1946, Montenegro Publisher, Brescia 1995, pp. 350, richly illustrated, 25 cm, cart. and.

    New one.

    Coins and medals


    Katalin B. Sey, Istvan Gedai, Coins and medals, Corvina press, Magyar Helikon, 1973, pp. 46, 82 beautiful plates. with enlargements, 26 cm, binding in full canvas ed. with gold titles on the spine and dust jacket.

    Small tear on the upper edge of the dust jacket with small restoration, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Majorca, Sicilian contemporary...


    Giacomo Majorca, Sicilian contemporary numismatics or the Corsican coins before 1860, Pietro Pensante's Typography, Palermo 1870, pp. 108 accompanied by 24 splendid color lithographic plates, 18 cm, br. and.

    Very small lack in the margin of the back and of the first three cards, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Very rare original edition.

    Ramelli, of the Fabriano mint


    Camillo Ramelli, Of the Fabrianese mint, reprinted with additions and corrections, Tip. Birds and Zolfanelli, Florence 1867, pp. 26, 1 pl. reproducing coins, 28 cm, br ed.

    Traces of a small coeval label on the front cover, and simplified with fresh paper, wide margins, in excellent condition.

    Extremely rare.

    If there is no money, Arcadia...


    If there is no money, Arcadia ... is soon over. Symbolism in coins and medals between the Counter-Reformation and the Century of the Enlightenment, Luni Editrice, Milan 1997, pp. 141, splendid bn and col. Illustrations, cm 30, br. and.

    Catalog of the exhibition held in Padua in 1997.

    Insignificant traces of use on the paperback, otherwise in excellent condition.

    The storage room in Carugo...


    The storage room of Carugo (Como), 1957, edited by Maila Chiaravalle, Municipality of Milan. Culture sector. Civic numismatic collections, Milan 1992, pp. 23 including 2 plates, 28 cm, br. and.

    Series: Monetary closets in Italy. Documentation of the complexes.

    The closet has coins from the mints of Bologna, Florence, Milan, Naples.

    In excellent condition.

    Pandino's closet (Cremona), 1910


    The closet of Pandino (Cremona), 1910, edited by Maila Chiaravalle, Municipality of Milan. Culture sector. Civic numismatic collections, Milan 1992, pp. 32 including 3 plates, 28 cm, br. and.

    Series: Monetary closets in Italy. Documentation of the complexes.

    The closet has coins from the mints of Camerino, Milan, Rome.

    In excellent condition.

    Seaby's Standard Catalog of...


    HA Seaby, Seaby's Standard Catalog of British coins. Part 1 and 2. Coins of England and the United Kingdom, BA Seaby, London 1972, 12th edition, pp. 288, richly illustrated, 19 cm, cart. and.

    The catalog presents English coins from antiquity to the contemporary era.

    Annotations to the watch cards, minimal traces of use, however usable text and in good condition.

    Falconi, Piacenza coins, 3 vols.


    Paolo Falconi, The coins of Piacenza, 3 vols., Enrico Chiolini Bookseller-Publisher-Typographer, Piacenza 1914-1920, pp. 300 in total with text within a beautiful red frame, ill., 22 splendid tables. covered with tissue paper, 26 cm, paperback ed. with embossed fillets, black and red titles and illustration applied to the front cover.

    Volume I, Part I, Epoch of the communes 1138-1335, 1914, pp. 108, 3 tablets Numbered copy: 246.

    Volume II, Part II, Visconti, Sforza and Papal dominion 1336-1545, 1920, pp. 96, 6 tablets

    Volume III, Part III, Farnesian and Bourbon dominion 1545-1859, 1920, pp. 96, 13 pl.

    Slight traces of use on the paperbacks, minimal lacks on the spine of volume II, otherwise the work is in more than good condition with perfect interiors.

    Complete and very rare work.

    Ricci, The Mint of Vercelli


    Camillo Leone Museum, Illustrations and catalogs, vol. I, Award-winning Tipo-Litografia Gallardi and Ugo, Vercelli 1910, pp. 192, photographic portrait of Camillo Leone in the front door, 24 cm, br. and.

    The volume includes the full-bodied study of Serafino Ricci, The mint of Vercelli, the numismatic collections of the Leone Museum, pp. 99-190, various illustrations interspersed in the text.

    In the same volume there are the following interesting contributions: Federico Arborio Mella, Camillo Leone. Biographical notes, pp. 5-26; Giulio Cesare Faccio, The Vercelli and Trinity printers of the 15th and 16th centuries, pp. 27-98.

    This collection of studies was published on the occasion of the opening of the Leone Museum and dedicated to Camillo Leone (1828-1907), who had left his possessions and his collections of antiquities to the Institute of Fine Arts in Vercelli.

    In excellent condition. Rare original edition.