Medieval numismatics

Welcome to the section dedicated to medieval numismatics books on, the reference point for scholars, collectors and enthusiasts of the monetary history of the Middle Ages. In this category, we offer you a wide selection of specialized texts that explore the fascinating world of medieval coins, from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the end of the Middle Ages. Each book in this category is a gateway to centuries of history, where coins are not only economic instruments, but true witnesses of the political, social and cultural changes of the Middle Ages. Whether they are Byzantine, Carolingian, Anglo-Saxon, European kingdoms or Italian mints, these volumes offer a detailed and in-depth analysis, enriched by images and precise cataloging. Our books are written by internationally renowned historians and numismatists, who guarantee accurate and detailed content. You will find complete catalogs, identification manuals and monographic studies that will guide you in understanding and evaluating medieval coins. These texts are essential tools for those who wish to deepen their knowledge or enrich their collection of medieval coins. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of medieval numismatics with our books, designed to satisfy both experts and neophytes. Each volume is carefully selected to offer a complete and detailed vision of this historical period, enhancing numismatic and historical knowledge. Explore our collection of medieval numismatics books on now and enrich your library with fundamental works that will allow you to discover and understand the historical and cultural value of medieval coins.

Books in stock: 224.

On this page there are 193-216 of 224 books.

    Vajna, Storage room of San...


    Eugenio Vajna, Storage room of San Quirico di Val Polcevera. Current state of knowledge, Ennerre Editions, Milan 2002, pp. 24, richly illustrated, 24 cm.

    Supplement n. XX of Numismatic Annotations, a. XII, s. IV, n. 46.

    Elegant ex libris on the back cover.

    Publication in perfect condition and extremely rare.

    Murari, The coins of Milan


    Ottorino Murari, Milan's coins from the first decades of the 11th century. Coins of Otto III by Arduino d'Ivrea and Henry II, Grafiche Erredicì, Padua 1980, pp. 149-167, richly illustrated, 24 cm.

    Extract from the Italian journal of numismatics and related sciences, vol. LXXXII, 1980.

    First card membership label.

    In excellent condition. Extremely rare.

    Duchy of Milan. Galeazzo Maria...


    Duchy of Milan. Galeazzo Maria Forza (1466-1476) ... drawn from the natural ...: the circulation of models between the court and the Milan Mint, edited by Marco Albertario, Edizioni Ennerre, Milan 2002, pp. 32, richly illustrated, 24 cm, br. and.

    Necklace: Milan depicted. Events characters and city institutions, 8.

    In perfect condition. Very rare.

    Cappelli, Study on the coins of...


    Remo Cappelli, Study on the coins of the mint of Salerno, Staderini Editore, Rome 1972, pp. XLVII, 85, 6 tabv, ill. bn, cm 28, br. and.

    Numbered copy.

    Perfect condition. Rare.

    Jury, Gio. Policarpo Lamberti...


    Domenico Giuria, The coins of the Gio. Policarpo Lamberti collection, preface by Silvia Bottaro, Municipality of Savona, Savona 1993, pp. XIII, 305, rich in bn and col. Illustrations, cm 24, br. and.

    Elegant ex libris on the last card.

    Overall in good condition.

    Orlandoni, Ancient coins in the...


    Mario Orlandoni, Ancient coins in Val d'Aosta, Musumeci Editore, Aosta 1983, pp. 205, richly illustrated, 24 cm, br. and.

    Elegant ex libris on the back cover.

    In excellent condition.

    Curiosities and essays on...


    Curiosities and essays on numismatics, Turin numismatic circle, Turin 1952, pp. 87, richly illustrated, 25 cm, br. and.

    The text includes interesting contributions from ancient, medieval and modern numismatics, medals and sphragistics, signed by Angelo Dragone, Mario Cattaneo, Lodovico Laffranchi, Edoardo Cassina, Ubaldo Meroni, Eugenio Barrera, Enzo Pellegrino, etc.

    Volume published in 330 numbered, stamped and signed copies; this is n. 128.

    Elegant ex libris to the last card.

    In excellent condition. Very rare.

    Coins of Messapia. The Angevin...


    Coins of Messapia. The Angevin coinage in the kingdom of Naples. Proceedings of the 3rd National Congress of Numismatics. Bari 12-13 November 2010, Apulian numismatic circle, Bari 2011, pp. 602, richly illustrated in color, 26 cm, br. and.

    Eos. Series of numismatic studies directed by Giuseppe Colucci, 3.

    On the cover: National History Society for Puglia.

    From the Index: Aldo Siciliano, Introduction; Mario Lombardo, The Messapi and Messapia between the 5th and 4th centuries BC; Francesco Grelle, The Roman Messapia; Aldo Siciliano, Monetary productions between the fifth and fourth centuries. BC in Messapia; G. Gorini, Greek coin collecting and scientific research; L. Rinaudo, Coins and archives of Salento: computerized data collection and organization systems; B. Carroccio, The monetary iconographies in Messapia and the Taras mystery; S. Montanaro, The legend coins ΝΑR - ΝΑRΗΤΙΝΩΝ; A. Campana, G. Tafuri, The coins of Samadi; A. Travaglini, The coins of Brundisium and Orra; V. Maci, The coins of Graxa and Sturnium; A. Rillo, G. Sarcinelli, The coins of Uzentum; V. Camilleri, P. D'Angela, Attendance and monetary circulation; F. Catalli, The coins of ancient Puglia in the coin box of the Archaeological Museum of Florence; Award ceremony and delivery of the gold medal "Master of numismatics" to Prof. Lucia Travaini; R. Ganganelli, Presentation by Prof. Lucia Travaini; L. Travaini, A memory of Philip Grierson one hundred years after his birth; P. Corsi, Reflections on the Angevin monarchy (1266-1442); F. Punzi, The real of Charles I; G. Colucci, The origins of the pug in the kingdom of Naples (1278-1309); J. Baker, Typology and epigraphy in the evolution of pugs; A. Degasperi, Monetary circulation in Salento at the time of Charles I and Charles II of Anjou; A. D'andrea, Abruzzo mints and coins in the 14th-15th century; G. Ruotolo, Tornesi money from Greece to southern Italy; C. Minervini, The pretenders' coins; M. Chimienti, The Angevin coinage in central-northern Italy; M. Bazzini, Parma Arezzo Cittaducale: Angevin mints ?; G. Testa, The lilies of Provence; R. Rossi, Trade and Monetary Relations. Circulation between the Marca d'Ancona and the kingdom of Sicily then of Naples under the Anjou family; E. Arslan, Conclusions.

    New one.

    Lazari, Mints and coins of the...


    Vincenzo Lazari, Mints and coins of the Abruzzi in the early days, Grafica Vivarelli, Pratola Peligna sd, pp. VII, 117, 6 plates, 23 cm, br. and.

    Anastatic reprint of the 1858 Venice edition.

    Elegant ex libris on the verso of the last plate. Manuscript title on the spine.

    In excellent condition.

    Byzantine coins from the Civic...


    Byzantine coins in the numismatic collections of the Civic Museum of Siena, edited by Mara Bonfioli, De Luca Editore, Rome 1984, pp. 183, rich in illustrations, cm 24, br. and.

    Elegant ex libris on the back cover.

    Minimal signs of aging on the paperback, otherwise excellent copy.

    Sambon, On the coins of the...


    Arthur Sambon, On the coins of the southern provinces of Italy from the twelfth to the fifteenth century, edited by Luca Lombardi, Preface by Giuseppe Ruotolo, work published under the aegis of the Italian Academy of Numismatic Studies, Biblionumis Edizioni, Terlizzi 2015, pp. XXV, 256, richly illustrated, 31 x 25 cm, editorial hardback or half leather, ISBN 978-88-99512-00-2.

    After 100 years from its realization, the unpublished work of Arthur Sambon "On the coins of the southern provinces of Italy from the XII to the XV century" is published. Identified over time with heterogeneous titles - among the best known: "The coins of the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily" and "Normans, Swabians, Angevins" -, before this publication the work of Sambon (1866-1947) could have been studied and appreciated only by those very few numismatists who were lucky enough to possess it in the form of proofs. Never widespread and commercialized for reasons that have remained unexplained, the effort of the illustrious Neapolitan numismatist wanted to be part of an ambitious publishing project, never completed, which at the beginning of the twentieth century had the objective of analyzing all the coins of the South minted from the seventh to the nineteenth century. century. The volume examines in detail the coins indicated in the title: it opens with the analysis of the coins of Roger II (1130) and ends for the continental section with the coins of Duke Giovanni d'Angiò struck in the name of his father Renato, who claimed the throne of Naples (1459-1464), and for the part that refers to Sicily with the issues in the name of Ferdinand I the Catholic (1412-1416). Despite its unprecedented character, Sambon's work has become a fundamental text for scholars in the sector, so much so that it is highly cited and considered in the most important volumes of scientific interest, published in recent decades, dedicated to medieval coins of southern Italy. and Sicily. The interest in the work is also due to the careful critical analysis of the coins carried out by the author in the light of a myriad of documents that no longer exist, because they were destroyed during the Second World War, whose existence we learn from reading the text. Published today by Luca Lombardi with a Preface by Giuseppe Ruotolo, the work was printed in a limited number of copies and in a particularly accurate editorial format. Of large format, the volume is in fact published on ivory paper and bound with a cardboard cover. A very limited number of copies, just 10, is available with handcrafted binding consisting of fine leather, marbled paper, ribs, friezes and titles in gold on the spine. As proof of the exceptional nature of this publishing event, the publication is made under the aegis of the Italian Academy of Numismatic Studies.

    On request we send images of the work with leather binding.

    Travaglini, Inventory of...


    Adriana Travaglini, Inventory of Salento coin finds. Circulation problems, Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, Rome 1982, pp. VI, 263, 72 tablets of which 4 folded, 24 cm, editorial paperback with dust jacket.

    Archaeologica series, 23.

    Scientific text of great interest. Attached business card of the publisher with autographed dedication.

    Very good condition.

    Astengo, The beginning of gold...


    Corrado Astengo, The beginning of gold minting in Genoa and a publication by prof. RS Lopez of Yale University, sn, slsa (but 1961), pp. 13-57, richly illustrated, 25 cm, br. in cardboard with title on paper insert applied to the front cover.

    Extract from the Italian numismatic magazine, 1961.

    Membership tile for the first card.

    Great copy. Rare.

    Sambon, Engravers of the minting...


    Arturo G. Sambon, Engravers of the minting of the Neapolitan coin, Typography LF Cogliati, Milan 1893, pp. 16 p., Ill., 2 splendid tables covered with tissue paper, cm 27, paperback ed. protected by cover.

    Extract from the Italian numismatic magazine, a. VI, fasc. I, 1893.

    Elegant ex libris on the back cover.

    Blooms on the tables, but overall a good copy. Extremely rare.

    Mazarakis, Zaccaria and Della...


    Andreas Mazarakis, Zaccaria and Della Volta in the Eastern Aegean 1268-1329, A & B Adversing, Athens 2006, pp. 91, richly illustrated bn and col., 29 cm, br. and.

    At the bottom of the title page: Ligurian Numismatic Circle "Corrado Astengo" section of the Ligurian Society of Homeland History.

    Elegant ex libris on the last page.

    Perfect condition. Extremely rare.

    Cairola, The ancient mints of Italy


    Aldo Cairola, The ancient mints of Italy, Editalia, Rome 1971, pp. 270, richly illustrated bn and col., 32 cm, imitation leather binding ed. with gold titles on the spine, front plate and dust jacket.

    Elegant bookplate inside the back plate. Minimal traces of use on the dust jacket, but overall a good copy.

    Ferraro, The coins of Gaeta with...


    Salvatore Ferraro, The coins of Gaeta with appendix on the medals, Municipality of Gaeta, Gaeta 2013, pp. 135, richly illustrated, 29 cm, br. and.

    Anastatic reprint of the ed. Typography Melfi & Joele, Naples 1915.

    New and incelophane.

    Bernocchi, The Florentine...


    Mario Bernocchi, The Florentine coinage of the age of splendor. Investigation around the golden florin. Academic year 1966-67, C. a M., Florence 1967, pp. 55, ill., Cm 24, br. and. At the top of the title page: University of Florence, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, Institute of Economic History.

    Interesting text, typewritten and mimeographed, from the course of Professor Mario Bernocchi.

    Sporadic annotations in pencil. Overall more than good copy. Extremely rare.

    Five centuries of medieval...


    Five centuries of medieval coinage in Castile, edited by Leon Hernandez-Canut y Fernandez, Italian Academy of Numismatic Studies, Vicenza 2004, pp. 131, numerous illustrations in col., Cm 21, br. and.

    Series of numismatic studies of the Academy, 13.

    Catalog of the exhibition held in Vicenza from 15 to 17 October 2004.

    In perfect condition.

    Robert, Considerations sur la...


    C. Robert, Considerations sur la monnaie a l'epoque romane et description de quelques triens mérovingiens, Nouvian, Metz 1851, pp. 60, 1 pl., 25 cm, br. and. coeval with decorations.

    Publication of great interest. Engel and Serrure, in their work Répertoire des sources imprimées de la numismatique francaise (Paris 1889), regarding this work by Robert affirm: “Cette brochure marque une date dans l'histoire de la numismatique francaise. M. Robert, y expose en effet, pour la premiere fois, ses idees sur l'organisation du monnayage merovingien et y demontre que les ateliers monetaires de la premiere race avaient un rapport direct et intimate avec la perception de l'impot, avec la realization et l'encaissement des differentes branches du revenu public ".

    Intonso and in excellent conservation. Very rare on the market.

    Charvet, Origines du pouvoir...


    J. Charvet, Origines du pouvoir temporel des papes précisées par la numismatique, E. Dentu, Paris 1865, pp. 172, ill., 1 pl., Cm 28, br. and. coeval.

    Beautiful publication enriched by numerous illustrations and a splendid table in the front door.

    Undamaged and in excellent condition. Very rare.

    Lenormant, Essai sur...


    François Lenormant, Essai sur l'organisation politique et économique de la monnaie dans l'antiquité, Rollin et Feuardent, Paris 1863, pp. 192, 23 cm, br. and. coeval.

    Interesting essay from Lenormant, very rare in original edition.

    Intonso and in excellent condition.

    The Capitolar from the broche of...


    The Capitolar from the brochures of the Mint of Venice (1358-1556), edited by Giorgetta Bonfiglio Dosio, Editrice Antenore, Padua 1984, pp. XX, 499, 25 cm, br. and.

    Bibliotheca Winsemann Falghera series, edited by Giovanni Gorini, 1.

    Volume of great scientific interest, reproducing the Capitolar from the broche, a fundamental text for the knowledge and reconstruction of the life of the Venice mint. The transcription of the code, accurate and responsive to the modern needs of paleography, is due to the patient effort of Dr. G. Bonfiglio Dosio of the Archival Superintendency of Veneto.

    New one.

    Historical Archive of Calabria,...


    Historical archive of Calabria, Tip. Muca, Naples, a. I, no. 5, September 1913, pp. 457-567, richly ill., 25 cm, br. and.

    From the Index: M. Cagiati, Coins assigned to some cities of Calabria from the 15th to the 18th century; P. Orsi, Excavations of Calabria in the years 1910-11 (continued); L. Volpicella, Official Epistolary of the Governor of Calabria Ultra Lorenzo Cenami (continued); Bibliographic Bulletin; V. Capialbi, Continuation to the Sacred Italy of Ughelli.

    Interesting issue of this important periodical which includes a substantial contribution by the numismatist Memmo Cagiati (pp. 457-481) rich in illustrations reproducing coins.