Medieval numismatics

Welcome to the section dedicated to medieval numismatics books on, the reference point for scholars, collectors and enthusiasts of the monetary history of the Middle Ages. In this category, we offer you a wide selection of specialized texts that explore the fascinating world of medieval coins, from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the end of the Middle Ages. Each book in this category is a gateway to centuries of history, where coins are not only economic instruments, but true witnesses of the political, social and cultural changes of the Middle Ages. Whether they are Byzantine, Carolingian, Anglo-Saxon, European kingdoms or Italian mints, these volumes offer a detailed and in-depth analysis, enriched by images and precise cataloging. Our books are written by internationally renowned historians and numismatists, who guarantee accurate and detailed content. You will find complete catalogs, identification manuals and monographic studies that will guide you in understanding and evaluating medieval coins. These texts are essential tools for those who wish to deepen their knowledge or enrich their collection of medieval coins. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of medieval numismatics with our books, designed to satisfy both experts and neophytes. Each volume is carefully selected to offer a complete and detailed vision of this historical period, enhancing numismatic and historical knowledge. Explore our collection of medieval numismatics books on now and enrich your library with fundamental works that will allow you to discover and understand the historical and cultural value of medieval coins.

Books in stock: 224.

On this page there are 121-144 of 224 books.

    Rizzoli, Monetary finds in the...


    Luigi Rizzoli, Monetary finds in the Veneto. Selected contributions from numismatics, Printing Cooperative Society, Padua 1993, pp. V, 184, ill., Cm 24, br. and. with dust jacket.

    Bulletin of the Civic Museum of Padua, a. LXV, 1976, n. 2.

    The volume, with Introduction by Giovanni Gorini, collects the most significant scientific contributions of the distinguished numismatist Luigi Rizzoli (1874-1943).

    In perfect condition.

    Coins and medals


    Katalin B. Sey, Istvan Gedai, Coins and medals, Corvina press, Magyar Helikon, 1973, pp. 46, 82 beautiful plates. with enlargements, 26 cm, binding in full canvas ed. with gold titles on the spine and dust jacket.

    Small tear on the upper edge of the dust jacket with small restoration, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Onion, the florin and the penny....


    Carlo M. Cipolla, Il fiorino e il quattrino. Monetary policy in Florence in the fourteenth century, Il Mulino, Bologna 1982, pp. 135, 19 cm, br. and.

    Series: Universal paperbacks, 127.

    Minimal traces of use, otherwise excellent specimen.

    Ramelli, of the Fabriano mint


    Camillo Ramelli, Of the Fabrianese mint, reprinted with additions and corrections, Tip. Birds and Zolfanelli, Florence 1867, pp. 26, 1 pl. reproducing coins, 28 cm, br ed.

    Traces of a small coeval label on the front cover, and simplified with fresh paper, wide margins, in excellent condition.

    Extremely rare.

    Grierson, Byzantine coins


    Philip Grierson, Byzantine coins, University of California Press, London 1982, pp. XIII, 411, 95 plates, cm 26, binding ed. in all canvas with gold titles on the gusset to the front plate. and on the back, dust jacket.

    Volume embellished with a long autograph dedication by the illustrious numismatist Professor Philip Grierson (1910-2006).

    Minimal traces of use on the dust jacket, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Callegher, Byzantine, Ostrogoth...


    Quaderni del Museo, Cherasco, n. 1, 2008, pp. 96, richly illustrated, 24 cm, br. and.

    The volume is entirely dedicated to the study of Bruno Callegher, Byzantine, Ostrogothic and Lombard coins from the Adriani Collection in the Civic Museum of Cherasco.

    In perfect condition. Extremely rare.

    Callegher, The diffusion of the...


    Bruno Callegher, The diffusion of the coin of Ravenna between the sixth and mid-eighth century, Esedra Editrice, slsd, pp. 247-272, ill., Cm 27, br. and.

    Excerpt from: Monetary Findings in the Ancient World: Problems and Methods. Proceedings of the International Congress, Padua 31 March-2 April 2000, edited by Giovanni Gorini.

    In excellent condition.

    Catalog of the Byzantine coins...


    Alfred R. Bellinger, Philip Grierson, Catalog of the Byzantine coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection, Volume three, Part I and II, Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies. Trustees for Harvard University, Washington DC 1973, pp. 888 overall, 69 tables total, 30 cm, beautiful and solid binding in all canvas ed. with titles and decorations in gold on the spine and on the front plate.

    Part I, Philip Grierson, Leo III to Michael III (717-867), pp. X, 470, 29 pl.

    Part II, Philip Grierson, Basil I to Nicephorus III (867-1081), pp. VIII, 471-888, 30-69 pl.

    Work embellished with the autograph signature of the illustrious numismatist Philip Grierson (1910-2006) in the eyelets of both volumes. Small signature belonging to the title pages.

    Original edition in excellent condition.

    The storage room in Carugo...


    The storage room of Carugo (Como), 1957, edited by Maila Chiaravalle, Municipality of Milan. Culture sector. Civic numismatic collections, Milan 1992, pp. 23 including 2 plates, 28 cm, br. and.

    Series: Monetary closets in Italy. Documentation of the complexes.

    The closet has coins from the mints of Bologna, Florence, Milan, Naples.

    In excellent condition.

    Seaby's Standard Catalog of...


    HA Seaby, Seaby's Standard Catalog of British coins. Part 1 and 2. Coins of England and the United Kingdom, BA Seaby, London 1972, 12th edition, pp. 288, richly illustrated, 19 cm, cart. and.

    The catalog presents English coins from antiquity to the contemporary era.

    Annotations to the watch cards, minimal traces of use, however usable text and in good condition.

    Sapio Vitrano, The Islamic and...


    Francesco Sapio Vitrano, The Islamic and Norman nummarium of the Municipal Library of Palermo, introduction by Antonino Manfrè, photographs by Salvatore Sparacino, Municipality of Palermo, Palermo 1975, pp. 346, richly illustrated, 26 pl. in color, cm 23x25, br. and.

    In excellent condition. Very rare.

    Soleirol, Catalog des monnaies...


    JF Soleirol, Catalog des monnaies byzantines qui composent la collection de M. Soleirol, Imprimerie S. Lamort, Metz 1854, pp. 326, cm 24, elegant br. and. coeval.

    Interesting and full-bodied volume that describes a very rich collection of Byzantine coins.

    Minimal halo of old millstone on the upper margin, otherwise intact and in more than good general condition.

    Very rare.

    Falconi, Piacenza coins, 3 vols.


    Paolo Falconi, The coins of Piacenza, 3 vols., Enrico Chiolini Bookseller-Publisher-Typographer, Piacenza 1914-1920, pp. 300 in total with text within a beautiful red frame, ill., 22 splendid tables. covered with tissue paper, 26 cm, paperback ed. with embossed fillets, black and red titles and illustration applied to the front cover.

    Volume I, Part I, Epoch of the communes 1138-1335, 1914, pp. 108, 3 tablets Numbered copy: 246.

    Volume II, Part II, Visconti, Sforza and Papal dominion 1336-1545, 1920, pp. 96, 6 tablets

    Volume III, Part III, Farnesian and Bourbon dominion 1545-1859, 1920, pp. 96, 13 pl.

    Slight traces of use on the paperbacks, minimal lacks on the spine of volume II, otherwise the work is in more than good condition with perfect interiors.

    Complete and very rare work.

    Pizzamiglio, Historical studies...


    Luigi Pizzamiglio, Historical studies around some first papal coins demonstrating the origin of the papal dominion, Polyglot Typography, Rome 1876, pp. 78, 1 beautiful plate. reproducing coins, 31 cm, br. coeval mute.

    Attached: Giuseppe Pizzamiglio, Addenda on the meaning of the CONOB formula in the work entitled Historical studies around some first papal coins for Luigi Pizzamiglio, sn, Bologna 1876, pp. 4.

    Minimal signs of aging, otherwise together in a more than good state of conservation and partially intact.

    Very rare.

    Lombardi, On the Norman fullers...


    Luca Lombardi, On the Norman fullers with St. Demetrius, Pontone Typolithography, Cassino 2005, pp. 25-40, richly illustrated, 24 cm.

    Extract from: Study book of the Mario Rasile numismatic circle, n. LXIX, May-June 2005.

    In perfect condition. Extremely rare.

    Ruotolo, Follares Aeros Novi


    Giuseppe Ruotolo, Follares aereos novi beaten in Bari in the 12th century with Saint Demetrius and the name of King Ruggiero, Centro Studi Nicolaiani, Bari 2000, pp. 233-255, richly illustrated, 24 cm, br. and.

    Extract from: Nicolaus Historical Studies, fasc. 1/2000.

    In excellent condition. Extremely rare.

    Lange, Charakterköpfe der...


    Kurt Lange, Charakterköpfe der Weltgeschichte. Münzbildnisse aus zwei Jahrtausenden, R. Piper & Co. Verlag, München 1949, pp. 52, 88 pl. with splendid enlargements of ancient, medieval and renaissance coins all with portrait, 29 cm, editorial binding in full canvas with gold titles on the back and on the front plate.

    In excellent condition.

    San Romé, an unpublished coin of...


    Mario San Romé, An unpublished coin by Pietra Gavina, LF Cogliati Publishing House, Milan 1916, pp. 4, 27 cm.

    In perfect condition. Rare.

    Caron, Monnaies feodales...


    Emile Caron, Monnaies feodales francaises, 3 bound issues in 1 vol., Chez mm. Rollin et Feuardent, Paris 1882-1884, pp. overall XXIV, 413, 27 tables finely engraved, 28 cm, solid silk binding with gusset, gold titles on the spine and sprinkled cuts.

    The three issues are continuously numbered and constitute the complete work. Text in excellent condition, with fresh and marginal paper. Elegant embossed stamp on the boards.

    Very rare.

    Florez, Medallas de las colonias...


    Henrique Florez, Medallas de las colonias municipios y pueblos antiguos de Espana, en la Oficina de Antonio Marin, Madrid 1757, pp. XVI, 1-408, richly ill., 1-23 tablets finely engraved, 1 geog. folded, cm. 25, precious and perfect binding in the middle Moroccan with gusset, gold title on the spine and artistically sprayed cuts.

    Linked with: Henrique Florez, Medallas de las colonias municipios y pueblos antiguos de Espana, Parte Segunda, en la Oficina de Antonio Marin, Madrid 1758, pp. II, 409-681, richly ill., 24-58 pl. finely engraved.

    Linked with: M. Mahudel, Dissertation historique sur les monnoyes antiques d'Espagne, chez Le Mercier Lottin Josse le Fils Et Briasson, Paris 1725, pp. II, 59, ill., 16 stupendous tablets

    The volume includes the first two parts of Florez's work, made up of three parts altogether (the third was printed long after the first two, in 1773), and Mahudel's essay, constituting an interesting and very rare ensemble. Wonderful finely crafted head, end caps, drop caps and engravings. Elegant embossed stamp on the boards and on the post plate. A few ink stamps on the pages. Ex libris superimposed with old library deletion stamp.

    Excellent general conservation with fresh and marginal paper.

    Serrure, Notice sur le cabinet...


    CP Serrure, Notice sur le cabinet coinire de SA le Prince de Ligne d'Amblise et d'Epinot, Imprimerie de C. Annoot-Braeckman, Ghent 1847, First edition, pp. X, 444, 5 splendid plates. engraved by Onghena, one of which with a second finely crafted frontispiece placed between the eyelet and the frontispiece, one with noble coats of arms, two with medals and coins, one with the circumferences used for measuring the diameters of the coins, 21 cm, br . and.

    In addition: CP Serrure, Notice sur le cabinet coinire de SA le Prince de Ligne d'Amblise et d'Epinot, Imprimerie de C. Annoot-Braeckman, Ghent 1880, Second edition, pp. LXXX, 267, 6 splendid plates. engraved by Onghena, one of which with a second finely crafted frontispiece placed between the eyelet and the frontispiece, one with a beautiful lithographic portrait of Serrure, three with medals and coins, one with noble coats of arms, 21 cm, br. and.

    The two volumes were published as first and second editions of the same work, however they deal with different topics and complement each other, providing a historically complete picture of the numismatic collection of the Prince de Ligne from antiquity to the Middle Ages. The first features coins from the medieval era. The second, which probably should have been the first volume of a larger work of which no other volumes are known, describes ancient and medieval coins.

    Overall in excellent condition. Very rare set.

    Of the mint of Pesaro and Pesaro...


    Annibale degli Abati Olivieri Giordani, On the mint of Pesaro and the Pesaro coins of the lower centuries, for Lelio dalla Volpe impressor of the Institute of Sciences, Bologna 1773, pp. 64 with splendid intaglio vignette on the title page, 4 beautiful plates. chalcographic prints, one folded, 31 cm, half canvas binding.

    Annibale degli Abati Olivieri Giordani (1708-1789), was an illustrious numismatist, archaeologist and bibliophile, founder of the Oliveriana Library of Pesaro, opened to the public in 1793.

    Traces of use on the title page and halo of old millstone not disfiguring the tables, otherwise exemplary in excellent condition with fresh paper and in beards.

    Extremely rare publication.

    Ricci, The Mint of Vercelli


    Camillo Leone Museum, Illustrations and catalogs, vol. I, Award-winning Tipo-Litografia Gallardi and Ugo, Vercelli 1910, pp. 192, photographic portrait of Camillo Leone in the front door, 24 cm, br. and.

    The volume includes the full-bodied study of Serafino Ricci, The mint of Vercelli, the numismatic collections of the Leone Museum, pp. 99-190, various illustrations interspersed in the text.

    In the same volume there are the following interesting contributions: Federico Arborio Mella, Camillo Leone. Biographical notes, pp. 5-26; Giulio Cesare Faccio, The Vercelli and Trinity printers of the 15th and 16th centuries, pp. 27-98.

    This collection of studies was published on the occasion of the opening of the Leone Museum and dedicated to Camillo Leone (1828-1907), who had left his possessions and his collections of antiquities to the Institute of Fine Arts in Vercelli.

    In excellent condition. Rare original edition.

    Numismatic cabinet, edited by...


    Numismatic Cabinet, edited by Gian Guido Belloni, 2 vols., Electa Editrice, Milan 1977, pp. 401, richly illustrated, 25 cm, binding in all editorial canvas with titles on the backs and front plates, dust jackets. Work with an editorial box.

    Milan Museums and Galleries series.

    The first volume is dedicated to classic coins, the second to medieval, modern and contemporary coins, for a total of 1158 specimens examined.

    Very good condition.