Medieval numismatics

Welcome to the section dedicated to medieval numismatics books on, the reference point for scholars, collectors and enthusiasts of the monetary history of the Middle Ages. In this category, we offer you a wide selection of specialized texts that explore the fascinating world of medieval coins, from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the end of the Middle Ages. Each book in this category is a gateway to centuries of history, where coins are not only economic instruments, but true witnesses of the political, social and cultural changes of the Middle Ages. Whether they are Byzantine, Carolingian, Anglo-Saxon, European kingdoms or Italian mints, these volumes offer a detailed and in-depth analysis, enriched by images and precise cataloging. Our books are written by internationally renowned historians and numismatists, who guarantee accurate and detailed content. You will find complete catalogs, identification manuals and monographic studies that will guide you in understanding and evaluating medieval coins. These texts are essential tools for those who wish to deepen their knowledge or enrich their collection of medieval coins. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of medieval numismatics with our books, designed to satisfy both experts and neophytes. Each volume is carefully selected to offer a complete and detailed vision of this historical period, enhancing numismatic and historical knowledge. Explore our collection of medieval numismatics books on now and enrich your library with fundamental works that will allow you to discover and understand the historical and cultural value of medieval coins.

Books in stock: 224.

On this page there are 25-48 of 224 books.

    Libero Mangieri, The...


    Giuseppe Libero Mangieri, The Pomarici-Santomasi numismatic collection. 2500 years of history, Italian Scientific Editions, Naples 1996, pp. XVIII, 258, 4 tablets a col., numerous ill. bn, cm 31, canvas with gold titles on the spine.

    Catalog of the prestigious Pomarici-Santomasi collection which presents 1608 specimens divided as follows: Greek period 1-107, Roman republican period 108-423, Roman imperial period 424-559, Byzantine period 560-592, medieval and modern period 593-1608.

    In excellent condition.

    Martorana Genuardi, Gold coinage...


    Pierluigi Martorana Genuardi di Molinazzo, Gold coinage in Sicily from the Punic period to the Kingdom of Italy, PMG Edition, Palermo 2007, pp. 56, 239, fully illustrated in colour with enlargements, 35 cm, fine full leather binding with four raised bands on the spine, gold titles and decorations on the spine and covers, red velvet endpapers.

    Work printed in 500 copies.

    This copy is embellished with a long autograph dedication by the author on the frontispiece and his signature in ballpoint pen at the bottom of the Preface.

    In excellent condition.

    Arslan, The Coins of the...


    Ermanno A. Arslan, The Coins of the Ostrogoths, Lombards and Vandals. Catalogue of the Civic Numismatic Collections of Milan, Municipality of Milan, Department of Culture and Entertainment, Milan 1978, pp. 91, 22 plates, 24 cm, hardcover ed.

    Variant in the title: The Lombards and Lombardy.

    From the Index: Abbreviations used in the Introduction and the Catalogue; Introduction; Catalogue; Organisational principles of the Catalogue; List of monograms and monogrammatic groups; Coins of the Ostrogoths; Coins of the Lombards; Lombard coins of Tuscia; Coins of the Duchy of Benevento; Coins of the Vandals; Chronological list; General index; Confirmed provenances; List of donors, sellers and dated purchases; Comparative table with the numbering of the collections of provenance; Table of concordances with the bibliography used for the classification; Tables.

    In excellent condition. Rare.

    Martinori, Annals of the Mint of...


    Edoardo Martinori, Annals of the Mint of Rome, Fasc. 5, Sixtus IV (9 August 1471-12 August 1484), Innocent VIII (29 August 1484-25 July 1492), at the Institute's headquarters, Rome 1918, pp. 72, richly illustrated, 24 cm, softcover ed.

    At the top of the title page: Italian Institute of Numismatics.

    Small stamp on the title page.

    In perfect condition.

    Martinori, Annals of the Mint of...


    Edoardo Martinori, Annals of the Mint of Rome, Fasc. 4, Paul II (30 August 1464-26 July 1471), at the Institute's headquarters, Rome 1917, pp. 63, richly illustrated, 24 cm, softcover ed.

    At the top of the title page: Italian Institute of Numismatics.

    In perfect condition.

    Martinori, Annals of the Mint of...


    Edoardo Martinori, Annals of the Mint of Rome, Fasc. 3, Nicholas V (6 March 1447-24 March 1455), Calixtus III (8 April 1455-6 August 1458), Pius II (19 August 1458-15 August 1464), at the Institute's headquarters, Rome 1918, pp. 70, richly illustrated, 24 cm, softcover edition.

    At the top of the title page: Italian Institute of Numismatics.

    Ordinary signs of age, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Martinori, Annals of the Mint of...


    Edoardo Martinori, Annals of the Mint of Rome, Fasc. 2, Martin V (11 November 1417-20 February 1431), Eugene IV (2 March 1431-25 January 1447), at the Institute's headquarters, Rome 1918, pp. 54, richly illustrated, 24 cm, softcover ed.

    At the top of the title page: Italian Institute of Numismatics.

    Ordinary signs of age and slight traces of use, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Martinori, Annals of the Mint of...


    Edoardo Martinori, Annals of the Mint of Rome, Fasc. 1, Urban V (1362-1370), Gregory XI (1370-1378), Urban VI (1378-1389), Clement VII (1378), Boniface IX (1389-1404), Innocent VII (1404-1406), Gregory XII (1406-1415), Benedict XIII (1394-1423), Alexander V (1409-1410), John XXIII (1410-1415), at the Institute's headquarters, Rome 1917, pp. 79, richly illustrated, 24 cm, softcover edition protected by contemporary silent paper.

    At the top of the title page: Italian Institute of Numismatics.

    Ordinary signs of age, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Maugeri, The coins of the...


    Mario Maugeri, The coins of the Aragonese in Sicily from 1282 to 1479 from Pietro to Giovanni. With evaluations and degrees of rarity, Edizioni Arte & Collectibles, Termoli 1996, II ed., Pp. 102, richly illustrated, 21 cm, br. and.

    Perfect condition.

    Bertelè, The winged emperor in...


    Tommaso Bertelè, The winged emperor in Byzantine numismatics, P. & P. Santamaria, Rome 1951, pp. 114, ill., 9 plates, 22 cm, br. and.

    Series of numismatic studies, 1.

    Slight signs of wear, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Very rare.

    Probszt, Die Münzen Salzburgs


    Günter Probszt, Die Münzen Salzburgs, Association Internationale des Numismates Professionnels, Kommissionsverlag Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, Bâle, Graz 1959, pp. 289, 27 beautiful plates, 24 cm, binding in full edition. with black titles on the spine and front cover.

    Series: Publications de l'Association Internationale des Numismates Professionnels, 1.

    Minimal abrasion on the back, otherwise in excellent condition.

    The Mint of Milan, edited by Gorini


    The Mint of Milan, edited by Giovanni Gorini, Italian Numismatic Society, Milan 1984, pp. 600, richly illustrated, 25 cm, br. and.

    Proceedings of the International Study Conference, Milan 9-14 May 1983.

    Very good condition. Rare.

    Sear, Byzantine coins and their...


    David R. Sear, Byzantine coins and their values, Seaby, London 1974, pp. 415, richly illustrated, 23 cm, full cloth binding ed. with gold titles on the spine and dust jacket.

    Minimal tears on the dust jacket, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Gigliati defeated in Naples with...


    Giuseppe Maria Ruotolo, Luca Lombardi, Gigliati defeated in Naples with the name of Charles III of Anjou Durazzo (1382-1386), sn, sl 2022, pp. 383-402, richly illustrated, 24 cm.


    In perfect condition.

    Italian mints represented in the...


    Solone Ambrosoli, Italian mints represented in the numismatic collection of Dr. Solone Ambrosoli corresponding member of the Royal Deputation of Homeland History for the Parma Provinces, with the types of Carlo Franchi, Como 1881, pp. XXVI, 53, splendid chromolithographic frontispiece in gold, black, red, 8 beautiful plates. in photographic print made by Fotografia Reina of Como, 33 cm, solid coeval half-canvas binding, titles on the spine and on the front plate.

    The volume presents the coins divided by region and is printed in 150 numbered copies, this is the n. 98.

    Work embellished with a splendid ex libris from the Santamaria numismatic library.

    Ordinary signs of aging, otherwise an example in excellent condition. Very rare.

    Thesaurus Nummorum Romanorum et...


    Robert Göbl, Thesaurus Nummorum Romanorum et Byzantinorum, Vol. 4, Die Münzsammlungen der Benediktinerstifte Kremsmünster und St. Paul im Lavanttal, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 1983, pp. 208, 25 plates, 30 cm, br. and. with dust jacket.

    Series: Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für numismatik, 10. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 162.

    In excellent condition.

    Ondrouch, Nálezy keltských,...


    Vojtech Ondrouch, Nálezy keltských, antických a byzantských mincí na Slovensku, Slovenská Akadémie Vied, Bratislava 1964, pp. 196, 7 large folded geographical maps. attached to the volume, 25 cm, full cloth binding ed. with titles on the spine and decorations on the front plate.

    Work by the Slovakian numismatist Vojtech Ondrouch (1891-1963) fundamental for the study of ancient monetary circulation and the discoveries of Celtic and Byzantine coins in Slovakia.

    In excellent condition. Extremely rare.

    Frère, Le denier carolingien...


    Hubert Frère, Le denier carolingien spécialement en Belgique, Institut Supérieur d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de l'Art, Séminaire de numismatique Marcel Hoc, Louvain 1977, pp. XII, 134, richly illustrated, 12 plates, 25 cm, br. and.

    Series: Publications d'histoire de l'art et d'archéologie de l'Université Catholique de Louvain, 8. Numismatica Lovaniensia, 1.

    Slight traces of use on the paperback, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Breckenridge, The numismatic...


    James D. Breckenridge, The numismatic iconography of Justinian II (685-695, 705-711 AD), New York 1959, pp. X, 104, 10 plates, 23 cm, br. and.

    Series: Numismatic notes and monographs, 144.

    In excellent condition.

    Tomasini, The Barbaric tremissis...


    Wallace J. Tomasini, The Barbaric tremissis in Spain and southern France Anastasius to Leovigild, New York 1964, pp. XXV, 302, 46 plates, 23 cm, br. and.

    Series: Numismatic notes and monographs, 152.

    In excellent condition.

    The coins of Genoa of Liguria...


    The coins of Genoa of Liguria and its colonies 1139-1814, edited by Giovanni Pesce, Banca Carige, Genoa 1992, pp. 55, richly illustrated in color, 30 tablets. depicting coins, 21 cm, br. and.

    Catalog of the exhibition held in Genoa from 16 September to 18 November 1992, promoted by Banca Carige.

    He works with a rich iconographic apparatus.

    Perfect condition. Very rare.

    Coins minted in Sardinia by...


    Coins minted in Sardinia by James II of Aragon to Vittorio Emanuele I of Savoy (1325-1813). Byzantine gold coins from the Sardinian mint. Catalog of the coins exhibited, Clelio Varesi, Pavia 1988, pp. 77, richly illustrated, 2 beautiful plates. coloured, 24 cm, br. and.

    Catalog of the exhibition held at the Palazzo della Provincia di Sassari, 15-26 April 1988.

    In perfect condition. Uncommon.

    Bailly, La Cote des monnaies...


    Alain Bailly, La Cote des monnaies francaises en or de Philippe IV à la III République, AB Finance, La Rochelle 1997, pp. 166, richly illustrated, 22 cm, br. and.

    Insignificant traces of use, otherwise in perfect condition.

    Schön, Altdeutschland, Ein...


    Günter Schön, Altdeutschland. Ein Katalog der bekanntesten Münzen des Römisch-Deutschen Reiches von 768 bis 1806, Battenberg Verlag München, Augsburg 1976, pp. 730, richly illustrated, 19 cm, br. and.

    Traces of use on the paperback, interior in very good condition.

    Very rare.