Medieval numismatics

Welcome to the section dedicated to medieval numismatics books on, the reference point for scholars, collectors and enthusiasts of the monetary history of the Middle Ages. In this category, we offer you a wide selection of specialized texts that explore the fascinating world of medieval coins, from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the end of the Middle Ages. Each book in this category is a gateway to centuries of history, where coins are not only economic instruments, but true witnesses of the political, social and cultural changes of the Middle Ages. Whether they are Byzantine, Carolingian, Anglo-Saxon, European kingdoms or Italian mints, these volumes offer a detailed and in-depth analysis, enriched by images and precise cataloging. Our books are written by internationally renowned historians and numismatists, who guarantee accurate and detailed content. You will find complete catalogs, identification manuals and monographic studies that will guide you in understanding and evaluating medieval coins. These texts are essential tools for those who wish to deepen their knowledge or enrich their collection of medieval coins. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of medieval numismatics with our books, designed to satisfy both experts and neophytes. Each volume is carefully selected to offer a complete and detailed vision of this historical period, enhancing numismatic and historical knowledge. Explore our collection of medieval numismatics books on now and enrich your library with fundamental works that will allow you to discover and understand the historical and cultural value of medieval coins.

Books in stock: 224.

On this page there are 217-224 of 224 books.

    Venice and its lagoons, 4 parts...


    Venice and its lagoons, 4 parts in 3 volumes, in the IR privil. stab. Antonelli, Venice 1847, pp. 2242 overall, 23 tablets of which 3 folds, 28 cm, precious coeval binding in Moroccan middle with nerves, titles in gold on the back and sprinkled cuts.

    Volume I: Volume I, Part I, pp. 367. Linked with: Volume I, Part II, pp. 500, 4 splendid tables. reproducing coins, 1 pl. geogr. folded. Linked with: Appendices, pp. 107, 1 large plate. geogr. folded.

    Volume II: Volume II, Part I, pp. 594.

    Volume III: Volume II, Part II, pp. 516, 16 splendid plates, 1 large plate geogr. folded. Linked with: Appendices, pp. 158.

    I compose the volumes with the following monographs: Sagredo, Civil and political history; Zinelli, Ecclesiastical News; Manin, Venetian jurisprudence; Calucci, Finance; Zon, Mint and coins; Casoni, Military Forces; Lazzari, Travelers and Navigators; Zanotto, Painting; Sagredo, Architecture, sculpture and chalcography; Carrer, Literature and dialect; Canal, Music; Cicogna, The noble families; Cadorin, Magistrates; Veludo, Eastern Greek colony; Wittche, evangelical community of Augustan confession of Protestants; Lattes, Jewish community; Foscolo, News of the Lagoon; Zanardini, Flora; Nardo, Marine fauna; Contarini, Terrestrial fauna; Namias, Climate and Public Health; Arrigoni, Public health measures; Sagredo, Civil and military status; Arrigoni, Institutes of scholastic and moral education; Veludo, Academies, libraries, scientific collections, medals, printers and newspapers; Tomasoni, Public Aid; Tomasoni, Free port, industry, trade; Locatelli, Parties, shows and substitutes; Zanotto, Description of the city; Carrer, Isole and Chioggia; Cadorin, Public and private archives; the work closes with a large section dedicated to the Venetian bibliography. For the realization of this powerful work the best specialists of the time collaborated for each subject treated, thus providing a vast panorama of the social, economic, cultural, scientific and political life of Venice on the eve of the uprisings of 1848-49.

    The table folded geographical area of the Appendices to vol. I is linked to the end of vol. II, p. II. Membership stamp on the reverse of the title pages, dry embossed on tables and post plates. Ex libris superimposed with old library deletion stamp. Ligatures with very slight traces of use, volume II has the upper cap removed, however on the whole it is a complete work of all its parts, in excellent condition, with fresh and marginal paper.

    Fillon, Considérations...


    Benjamin Fillon, Considérations historiques et Artistiques sur les monnaies de France, Robuchon, Fontenay-Vendée 1850, pp. xi, 252, many ill., 4 beautiful plates, 22 cm, br. and.

    In perfect condition, uncut, with fresh paper without stains or even minimal blooms.

    Extremely rare.

    De Longpérier, Monnaies...


    Adrien De Longpérier, Monnaies francaises inédites du gabinet de M. Dassy, Techener Place du Louvre, Paris 1840, pp. 40, ill., Cm 24, elegant br. and.

    Rare, intact and in perfect condition.

    De Ponton D'Amécourt, Notes sur...


    M. De Ponton D'Amécourt, Notes sur quelques ateliers monétaires mérovingiens de Brie et de Champagne: Binson, Château-Thierry, Jouarre, Mouroux et Provins, Imprimerie Nationale, Paris 1884, pp. 20, ill., Cm 23, br. and. coeval mute.

    Extrait des comptes rendus de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres.

    Interesting study, intact and in perfect condition.

    Hoffmann, Les monnaies royales...


    Henri Hoffmann, Les monnaies royales de France depuis Hugues Capet jusqu'a a Louis XVI, chez H. Hoffmann, Paris 1878, pp. XV, 215, 118 plates finely engraved, 32 cm, solid green canvas binding with gold titles on the spine.

    Artwork in superb condition, with fresh and marginal paper. Two beautiful ex libris with the library elimination stamp superimposed, elegant embossed stamp on the tables.

    Extremely rare.

    Foresio, The coins of the mints...


    Gaetano Foresio, The coins of the mints of Salerno, Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana of Salerno, Salerno 1988, pp. 43, 10 tablets depicting coins, XV, 57, 33 cm, br. and.

    Gaetano Foresio, a Benedictine from Cassino, in 1891 and 1893 published in Salerno, divided into two parts, the work The coins of the mints of Salerno. This volume, published by the Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana di Salerno on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of its foundation, contains the anastatic reprint of both parts of the work dedicated to Salerno coins.

    Irrelevant traces of use. Rare.

    Orsini, Four centuries of coins...


    Orsino Orsini, Four centuries of coins of the kings of France in Italy 1306-1706, La Numismatica, Brescia (1973?), Pp. 32, ill. bn, 20 cm.

    Extract from La Numismatica, 1972-1973.

    Pancari, On the money of...


    Giovanni Pancari, On the money of Costanza d'Altavilla with Frederick II and an unpublished type of money of the minority of Federico, sn, sl (1982?), Pp. 6 not num., Ill. bn, 23 cm.

    New one.