Numismatics and related sciences, n. 2, 1936
Numismatics and related sciences. Bimonthly magazine, P. & P. Santamaria, Rome, a. II, n. 2, March-April 1936, pp. 29-52, richly illustrated, 30 cm.
From the Summary: Alessandro Magnaguti, From the stater to the ducatone and vice versa. Episode II. Psychology of coins and philosophy of history; Serafino Ricci, La Gens Durmia in the monetary history of the Republic and the Roman Empire; Nicola Borrelli, An erroneously awarded medal; Emilio Bosco, A curious luigi for the Levant; Numismatic bibliography; Reviews; etc.
Elegant ex libris on the back cover.
Insignificant halo of old millstone on the left margin of the first two and last two cards, which does not affect the text, however in excellent general condition.