Mancini, Vertuosi and artists. Essays on antiquarian and numismatic collecting

Vincenzo Mancini, Vertuosi and artists. Essays on antiquarian and numismatic collecting between Padua and Venice in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Esedra Editrice, Padua 2005, pp. 141, richly illustrated, 27 cm, br. and.

Numismatica Patavina, 5. Series directed by Giovanni Gorini.

The volume collects some essays dedicated to the topic that lately is at the center of the most advanced studies in the field of art history: that of antiquarian, numismatic and artistic collecting. By rediscovering and making sources and archive papers speak, the author outlines the identity of some figures of collectors and art lovers active in close complicity in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries between Padua and Venice. Alongside personalities not unknown to literature, the book brings out entirely new names - Gerolamo Querini, Francesco Assonica, Giovanni Galvano and others - who thus enter fully into the roster of the most important collectors of the time. The connected action of intellectuals commuting between the two poles sees the involvement of artists often of the first magnitude, such as Tiziano, Campagnola, Tintoretto, Vittoria, Tinelli. With the reconstruction of the individual figures, a more general picture of the relations between the intellectual circles of the university city and those of the capital of the Serenissima Republic during years of flourishing cultural development is recomposed.

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