Florez, Medallas de las colonias municipios y pueblos antiguos de Espana + Mahudel, Dissertation sur les monnoyes d'Espagne

Henrique Florez, Medallas de las colonias municipios y pueblos antiguos de Espana, en la Oficina de Antonio Marin, Madrid 1757, pp. XVI, 1-408, richly ill., 1-23 tablets finely engraved, 1 geog. folded, cm. 25, precious and perfect binding in the middle Moroccan with gusset, gold title on the spine and artistically sprayed cuts.

Linked with: Henrique Florez, Medallas de las colonias municipios y pueblos antiguos de Espana, Parte Segunda, en la Oficina de Antonio Marin, Madrid 1758, pp. II, 409-681, richly ill., 24-58 pl. finely engraved.

Linked with: M. Mahudel, Dissertation historique sur les monnoyes antiques d'Espagne, chez Le Mercier Lottin Josse le Fils Et Briasson, Paris 1725, pp. II, 59, ill., 16 stupendous tablets

The volume includes the first two parts of Florez's work, made up of three parts altogether (the third was printed long after the first two, in 1773), and Mahudel's essay, constituting an interesting and very rare ensemble. Wonderful finely crafted head, end caps, drop caps and engravings. Elegant embossed stamp on the boards and on the post plate. A few ink stamps on the pages. Ex libris superimposed with old library deletion stamp.

Excellent general conservation with fresh and marginal paper.



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