Pagani, List of coins medals + Roman republican and imperial coins, 7 issues, 1939-1949
Antonio Pagani Numismatico, List of coins, medals and numismatics books on sale at marked prices, 5 volumes, Milan 1939-1940, 96 pp. total, 29 cm.
In detail: n. 1, List of coins, medals and numismatic books for sale at marked prices, June 1939, pp. 16; n. 2, List of coins, medals and numismatic books for sale at marked prices, October 1939, pp. 20; n. 3, List of coins, medals and numismatic books for sale at marked prices, January 1940, pp. 16; n. 4, List of coins and numismatic books for sale at marked prices, April 1940, pp. 20; n. 5, List of numismatic books, pamphlets, magazines and catalogues, 1940, pp. 24.
In addition: Antonio Pagani Numismatico, Roman Republican and Imperial Coins. Books for sale at marked prices, n. 1 (June 1949), Milan 1949, pp. 16, cm 24 (two copies).
The price list presents 989 lots of Roman republican and imperial coins and numismatic books.
Slight signs of aging, otherwise in more than good condition. Uncommon set.