Ancient numismatics

Welcome to the section dedicated to ancient numismatics books of, the reference point for enthusiasts and collectors of coins and medals. On the site you will find a wide selection of specialized texts, edited by expert numismatists, that explore the fascinating history of coins from antiquity to the present day. Our books will guide you on a journey through the centuries, telling you the story of ancient civilizations through the evolution of their coins. Whether they are Greek, Roman, Byzantine, modern or contemporary coins, each book is a precious source of knowledge to delve into the historical, artistic and economic details that only numismatics can reveal. We offer works written by internationally renowned numismatists and historians, guaranteeing accurate and detailed content. From coin catalogs with illustrations and detailed descriptions to manuals, each text is designed to satisfy both the expert collector and the novice. You will also find practical guides that will help you evaluate, classify and best preserve your ancient coins. Numismatics is not only a study of the past, but also a current passion that grows every day. Investing in the right books means enriching your knowledge and improving the quality of your collection. Each volume here has been carefully selected to offer you the maximum amount of information and expertise. Our books are essential tools for anyone who wants to delve deeper into ancient numismatics. Thanks to detailed descriptions, high-quality images and contributions from experts, these texts will allow you to navigate the world of ancient coins with confidence. Discover our collection and find the perfect book for you. Whether you are an avid collector or a researcher, our texts will provide you with all the knowledge you need to take your passion for numismatics to the next level. Browse our categories now and enrich your library with fundamental works of ancient numismatics on!

Books in stock: 309.

On this page there are 1-24 of 309 books.
    • New

    Attianese, Greek Calabria, 3 vols.


    Pasquale Attianese, Greek Calabria, 3 volumes, De Luca Editore, Santa Severina 1974-1980, 1388 pp. in total, richly illustrated, 25 cm, hardback with titles and gold decorations on the spine and front cover.

    Volume I: Brettion, Kaulonia, Cosentia, Kroton, Medma, Noyceria, Pandosia, Petelia, Skyllation, Temsa, Terina, 1974, pp. 400.

    Volume II: Aminea, Hipponion, Valentia, Laos, Lokron, Kasarium, Mystia and Hypporon, Ser... or Mer..., Peripolium, Sybaris, Siris, Thurium, 1977, pp. 440.

    Volume III: Thurium (Part II), Copy, Rhegium, Update with further unpublished coins, coin pondometry and archaeo-numismatic studies of the Calabrian mints, graphs of the location of mints and areas of finds, 1980, pp. 548 with maps and folded plate.

    Limited edition of only 300 numbered copies, each volume bears its own number on the back of the title page and is embellished with the signatures of the author and the publisher.

    In excellent condition. Very rare.

    • New

    Sambon, Les monnaies antiques de...


    Arthur Sambon, Les monnaies antiques de l'Italie. Etrurie, Ombrie, Picenum, Samnium, Campanie (Cumes et Naples), Forni Editore, Bologna 1969, pp. 467, 5 plates, 25 cm, br. and.

    Facsimile reprint of the 1903 Paris edition.

    Ownership signature repeated on the first and last cards, small annotation on the spine, otherwise in more than good condition.

    • New

    Morawiecki, Political propaganda...


    Leslaw Morawiecki, Political propaganda in the coinage of the late Roman Republic (44-43 BC), Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, Wroclaw 1983, pp. 108, 8 tables. 24 cm, br. and.

    From the Index: The use of political propaganda in the struggle for power in the year 44 BC; Political propaganda and numismatic sources; Issues struck during Caesar's lifetime; Posthumous issues of Caesar; The roles of the army and of propaganda in the formation of political positions in the year 43 BC; The Illyric issue of C. Antonius; Spanish and Sicilian issues of the Pompeian faction; Mark Antony's Gallic issues; M. Antony's and M. Lepidus' issues of denarii; Quinarii issues of M. Antony and M. Lepidus, and provincial coins; Issues of quattuorviri acre,argento,auro,flando feriundo (Senatorial issues); etc.

    Insignificant traces of use on the paperback, otherwise in excellent condition. Very rare.

    • New

    Pautasso, Pre-Roman monetary...


    Sibrium, Centre for Prehistoric and Archaeological Studies. Civic Museums of Villa Mirabello, Varese 1973-75, pp. VIII, 537, richly illustrated, cm 24, softcover ed.

    Series of studies and documentation founded by Mario Bertolone, vol. XII.

    The volume includes the important studies by Andrea Pautasso: The pre-Roman monetary circulation and the Salluvii emissions in the territories of Ticino and The Po Valley coinage and the problems of the Lepontian emissions.

    The following contributions are also present in the text: Tibiletti G., The Civilization of Ticino: between geography and history; Tibiletti Bruno MG, Epigraphic-linguistic problems of pre-Roman Ticino and Lombardy; Merati A., Historical toponymy of the territories overlooking the shores of Lake Maggiore and the Ticino River (Ligurian and Gallic contributions); Mira Bonomi A., Current situation of the protohistoric settlement of the Golasecca culture in the western area; Soffredi A., The Mattana, Bellini, Visconti collections of Somma Lombardo (Varese); Primas M., The first Iron Age in the Canton of Ticino and in Mesolcina; Leoni M., Tradition and reality of Gallic swords; Mesali M., Anthropological interest in the study of cremated remains (observations on the sidelines of a study on Castelletto Ticino; Crivelli A., The relations between Pavia and the Canton of Ticino; Donati P., Topographical persistence of settlements and necropolises; Mirabella Roberti M., A late Roman building along the Ticino in Pavia; Peroni A., Clarifications on the ancient walls of Lomello; Perkins BW, Excavations in the Civic Tower – Pavia; Aguzzi F., The basins of the Civic Tower; Martinola G., Greeting to the Conference in Lugano; Storti Giani L., A memory of Abbot Giani; Doro A., A hoard of bronzes in Pinerolo; De Minerbi L., Clay ritual tablet from Lavagnone; Mira Bonomi A., Early Bronze and Early Iron Age deposit in Arolo; Nava ML, Aspects and problems of the “Daunie” stele; Astini P., Value of the engraved boulders in the pre-Alpine valleys; Rittatore Vonwiller F.-Negroni Catacchio N.-Arslan EA, “Golasecca III” or “La Tène Padano”?; Dejana A.-Sironi PG, Castelseprio - Prehistory and Archaeology - Today; Leoni M., Archaeology of the horses of San Marco; Corrain C., Ancient human skeletal remains from Castione della Presolana (Bergamo); Baj N.-Astini P., III Palethnological Expedition to Tenerè (Niger); Mirabella Roberti M., Investigations and method in the excavation of Castelseprio; Mazza S., The Baptistery of Baveno and some considerations on that of Riva San Vitale; Milani F.-Toscani X., The collection of documents relating to the Civic Tower existing in the Municipal Archives of Pavia.

    Very light traces of use on the cover, otherwise in excellent condition. Very rare.

    • New

    Vessella, Corpus Nummorum...


    Antonio Vessella, Corpus Nummorum Italicorum, Tomus primus, Samnium, Frentania, Sabina et Regio Inter Meridiem et Orientem Latii, Edizioni ASMV, Piedimonte Matese 1998, pp. 80, ill., 11 plates, 24 cm, br. and. with dust jacket.

    The first volume of this work was the only one published.

    In perfect condition.

    • New

    Troxell, The coinage of the...


    Hyla A. Troxell, The coinage of the Lycian League, The American Numismatic Society, New York 1982, pp. 19, 255, 44 plates, 24 cm, full cloth binding with gold titles on the spine and front cover.

    Series: Numismatic notes and monographs, 162.

    The volume offers an in-depth analysis of the most significant hoards for the study of the coinage of the Lycian League. The text includes the cataloguing of approximately 1825 specimens, accompanied by an exhaustive survey of the minting locations. Also included are a systematic index of the issues divided by mint and useful appendices dedicated to topics such as incorrect attributions, forgeries, etc.

    In perfect condition.

    • New

    Münzkabinett, Jahrbuch des...


    Münzkabinett, sn, Bern 1966, various pagination (but pp. 150), richly illustrated, 24 cm, softcover ed.

    At the head of the title page: Jahrbuch des Bernischen Historischen Museums XLIII und XLIV, Jahrgang 1963 und 1964.

    Index: H. Jucker, Ein Aureus und der Kopf des Kaisers Galba; B. Kapossy, Die Folles im Münzkabinett des Bernischen Historischen Museums; HU Geiger, Unedierte Berner Münzen II; HU Geiger, Neuerwerbung von Berner Münzen; H. Stettler, Zur Sammlung mexikanischer Münzen und Medaillen Dr. Juan Kaiser; Rubrik: Münzkabinett, Zuwachverzeichnis.

    In excellent condition. Rare.

    • New

    Chaix, Description of once cents...


    Eug. Chaix, Description de onze cents monnaies imperiales grecques et coloniales latines, Ch. van Peteghem, Libraire-Numismate, Paris 1889, pp. IX, 173 with a beautiful lithographic illustration on the frontispiece, 24 cm, splendid contemporary binding in half brown leather, black percale covers, titles on the spine, gold fillets and four raised bands, elegant marbled paper endpapers, sprayed edges.

    The volume contains 1106 copies.

    Some blooms, otherwise in excellent condition. Rare.

    • New

    Göbl, A catalog of coins from...


    Robert Göbl, A catalog of coins from Butkara I (Swāt, Pakistan), IsMEO, Rome 1976, pp. XIV, 76, 14 beautiful plates, 1 large folded topographic map, 35 cm, br. and.

    Series: Reports and memoirs. Italian Institute for the Middle and Far East, Center for Archaeological Studies and Excavations in Asia, 4.

    At the top of the title page: Italian Institute for the Middle and Far East, Center for Archaeological Studies and Excavations in Asia, National Research Council.

    Publication of considerable scientific interest by Robert Göbl, mainly devoted to Kushan coins.

    Annotations or signs of ownership of an extinct library corrected with correction tape on the title page and on the margins of the plates, without compromising the full usability of the work.

    Very slight traces of use on the cover, interior in excellent condition.

    • New

    Rapposelli, The coins with the...


    Franco Rapposelli, Vincenzo Rapposelli, The coins with the legend Tiati-Tiiatium, Tipolitografia Quatrini, Viterbo 2018, pp. 234, richly illustrated, 30 cm, full cloth binding ed. with gold titles on the spine and front cover.

    In excellent condition.

    • New

    Memories of a passion, vol. III,...


    Memories of a passion, vol. III, Ancient Sicily, Andrea and Cecilia Pucci Collection, sn, slsd, pp. 296 on beautiful glossy paper, richly illustrated in colour, 31 cm, card. and. with titles on the spine, front cover and dust jacket.

    Large volume offering weight and metrological information, numerous bibliographical references and enlargements of each coin presented.

    In perfect condition. Publication made in a small number of copies, very rare.

    Montenegro, Roman imperial coins


    Eupremio Montenegro, Roman imperial coins with evaluation and degree of rarity, Montenegro numismatic editions, Turin 1988, pp. LXVIII, 644, richly illustrated, 25 cm, cart. and.

    In excellent condition. Uncommon publication.

    Ricci, The Cult of Diana in...


    Carlo Ricci, The cult of Diana in royal and republican Rome and its impact on silver coinage of the goddess from the beginning of the denarius to 31 BC, sn, sl 1991, pp. 69 including 3 plates of coins, 30 cm, bound in cloth ribbon.

    Index: The reason for studying coin types with Diana; The piety of the moneyer as a leitmotif in republican silver coins; Diana's splendor and political decadence; Religious syncretism as another reason for decadence; The great leaders of the 1st century and Diana; The forty-four coins concerning the goddess; Group A: the coins of the "luminous" goddess; Group B and Group C; The coins dedicated to Artemis Agrotera (Diana the Huntress); The hybrids between Group A and Group B; Group D: coins that recall the original opposition between Jupiter and Diana; Group E: the crescent moon symbol of the night; Group F: coins without explanation; Group G: coins with particular subjects or reproducing famous statues.

    Scientific publication issued in photocopy format, likely produced by the author in a limited number of copies.

    Author's signature on the first page.

    In perfect condition. Extremely rare.

    To the subscribers for the...


    Homage to the subscribers for the first centenary of the Royal Numismatic Cabinet and National Medal Collection of Brera and for the honors to Solone Ambrosoli, Tip. Crespi, Milan 1908, pp. 125, richly illustrated, 2 beautiful frontispiece plates, 25 cm, splendid blue chromolithograph ed. cover with black and red titles and gold decorations.

    At the top of the title page: Circolo Numismatico Milanese.

    On the frontispiece: Notes on numismatics and medals, archive gleanings edited by Serafino Ricci.

    Contents: Alberto Simonetti, To the Royal Numismatic Cabinet; Pompeo Castelfranco, Gallic Coins of Transpadana; Giovanni Pansa, A Circled Medallion of Marcus Aurelius; Paolo Orsi, EJ Haeberlin, For the Italic Aes Grave in Sicily; EJ Haeberlin, The Metrological Bases of the Most Ancient Monetary System in Central Italy (Open Letter to Prof. S. Ricci); Lorenzina Cesano, Roman-Sicilian Bronze from the National Roman Museum; Marco Strada, Pietro Tribolati, The Coins of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, First Duke of Milan; Adrien Blanchet, Unpublished Obole of Jean XXII; Quintilio Perini, The Coins Thrown to the People at the Solemn Coronation of Vincenzo II, Duke of Mantua (1627); Andrea Balletti, The Bagattini of Ercole I in the Mint of Reggio Emilia; Alessandro Lisini, Medal of Antonio Spannocchi; Fernand Mazerolle, La médaille d'Antoine Leclerc de la Forêt, d'Auxerre (1618); Vittorio Salvaro, Veronese medal studies; Luigi Rizzoli jun., For the history of numismatics: Some letters addressed to the Marquis Tommaso degli Obizzi (1750-1803); J. Leite de Vasconcellos, O dinheiro na popular Portuguese poetry; Serafino Ricci, Archive Gleanings.

    Very slight signs of age on the spine, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Extremely rare.

    Rasile, Ancient, medieval and...


    Mario Rasile, Ancient, medieval and modern coins of Lower Lazio and Northern Campania with particular attention to the coins of Gaeta, First Edition, Tipolitografia Caramanica, Scauri 1978, pp. 61, richly illustrated, 24 cm, softcover edition.

    Handwritten title on the spine.

    In excellent condition. Rare.

    Marchese, Tiate Apula and its...


    Leonida Marchese, Tiate Apula and its monetary types, Rinaldi, Mantua 1948, pp. 8, richly illustrated, 24 cm, softcover edition protected by contemporary silent paper.


    In excellent condition. Rare.

    Cavallaro, The Coins of Piacos...


    G. Cavallaro, The coins of Piacos and its site, In the headquarters of the Institute, Rome 1954, pp. 21-24, ill., 1 plate, cm 24, softcover ed. protected by contemporary silent paper.

    At the top of the title page: Italian Institute of Numismatics.


    Autograph dedication by the author on the first card.

    In excellent condition. Rare.

    Forteleoni, The monetary issues...


    Lorenzo Forteleoni, The monetary issues of Punic Sardinia, Gallizzi, Sassari 1961, pp. 166, richly illustrated, cm 22, softcover ed.

    The volume is divided into two large sections: Chronology and characteristics of the Sardinian-Punic coinage and Catalogue of the Sardinian-Punic issues.

    In excellent condition. Extremely rare.

    Numismatic Symposium of...


    Numismatic Symposium of Barcelona (27 and 28 February 1979), Volume I, sn, Barcelona 1979, pp. 534, richly illustrated, cm 30, softcover ed.

    On the title page: Societat Catalana d'Estudis Numismàtics. Sponsored by the Spanish Numismatic Association.

    From the Index of the substantial volume: R. Reece, Hallazgos de monedas y métodos de comparación; G. Depeyrot, A propos de la masse monétaire antique: l'exemple des XVIIe-XXe siècles; JM Gurt, The monetary circulation in Rhode (Rosas) during the Roman Empire through two particular collections; E. Ripoll, JM Nuix, L. Villaronga, Circulación monetaria en Emporion; M. Campo, O. Granados, Approximation to monetary circulation in Colonia Barcino; JM Gurt, Monetary circulation in the imperial era on the Catalan coast between the municipalities of Bætulo and Iluro; J. Hiernard, Tarragona: Monedas del siglo III descubiertas en las excavaciones antiguas; E. Manera, O. Granados, Approximation to monetary circulation in the rural area of the island of Mallorca; M. Campo, Circulación monetaria en Menorca; M. Campo, Circulación monetaria en Ibiza (s. III-I BC); E. Collantes, A museum of monetary circulation in the Osca area; M. Campo, Monetary circulation in the Roman Villa of La Olmeda, Pedrosa de La Vega (Palencia); J. Hiernard, Conimbriga, monedas de las excavaciones antiguas (1930-1944 y 1959-1962) y franco-portuguesas (1964-1968); J. Hiernard, J.-C. Richard, Les tresors monétaires du IIIe. after JC d'Aigues Mortes et Saint-Laurent-d'Aigouze (Gard); G. Depeyrot, J.-C. Richard, Etudes des découvertes et de la circulación monetaria dans le Valle du Lot (Lot); S. Keay, The Roman monetary circulation urban and territorial: a study in contrast and compatibility; J. Pellicer, Metrología comtal; M. Barcelo, L'or d'al-Andalus a Catalunya: un or vist i no vist (970-1085); P. Vegué, The monetary circulation of gold in the Iberian Peninsula after the million: the problem of the shortage; L. Domingo, Posible new attribution of the money with the legend Cervaíre; AM Balaguer, M. Crusafont, I. Puig, Els comtats catalans: les seves enuncynacions i àrees d’influència. I. Corpus; FJ Mora, The coefficient between the number of examples and the number of cuños, reflects the content of statistical information; R. Morgenstern, A "fals" with unpublished pieces.

    Small ownership signature on the title page.

    Very slight signs of age, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Sambon, Les monnaies antiques de...


    Arthur Sambon, Les monnaies antiques de l'Italie. Etrurie, Ombrie, Picenum, Samnium, Campanie (Cumes et Naples), Forni Editore, Bologna 1973, pp. 456, 5 plates, 25 cm, br. and.

    Facsimile reprint of the 1903 Paris edition.

    Small ownership signature on the title page.

    In excellent condition.

    Turin Numismatic Circle, On the...


    Circolo Numismatico Torinese, On the fortieth anniversary of its foundation 1951-1991, Società Editrice Piemonte, Pesce di Ovada 1991, pp. 79, richly illustrated, cm 24, softcover ed.

    Edition of 500 copies.

    From the Index: Luigi Conti, Preface; Carlo Barzan, The Numismatic Circle; Guglielmo G. Audino, Manual on the Persian drachmas of the Sassanid dynasty; Elio Biaggi, The origin of the Savoy family and its coinage; Gianmaria del Boca, Numismatic reconstruction of the temple of Mars in the Forum of Augustus; Board of Directors of the Circle; Members of the Circle.

    In excellent condition.

    Bellocchi, The Roman republican...


    Lisa Bellocchi Amoroso, The Roman republican coins of the civic museums of Reggio Emilia, Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia 1979 (printed 1981), pp. 164 with 64 tablets. reproducing coins, cm 30, br. and.

    Series Catalogs of the Civic Museums of Reggio nell'Emilia, 5.

    The scientifically written publication examines, among other things, the treasure of Borzano, made up of a total of 1111 specimens.

    In perfect condition.

    Catalli, Etruscan and Italic...


    Fiorenzo Catalli, Etruscan and Italic Numismatics, Roman Archaeological Group, Rome 1984, pp. 151 including 55 plates, cm 21, br. and.

    Series: Publications of the archaeological groups of Italy, 26.

    In excellent condition. Rare.

    International Congress of...


    International numismatics congress. Rome 11-16 September 1961, 2 volumes, Italian Institute of Numismatics, Rome, pp. 1173 overall, 47 plates, 25 cm, br. and.

    At the top of the title page: Commission internationale de numismatique. Italian numismatic institute.

    Volume I: Reports, 1961, pp. 435.

    Volume II: Proceedings, 1965, pp. XXXII, 706, 47 pl. one of which folded.

    In excellent condition.