Italian numismatic magazine, 2003

Italian journal of numismatics and related sciences. Founded by Solone Ambrosoli in 1888. Published by the Italian Numismatic Society in Milan, Milan, 2003, pp. 574, richly illustrated, 25 cm, br. and.

From the Index: G. FACCHINETTI, Iactae stipes: the offer of coins in the waters of the Italian peninsula G. PERRI, New data for a re-edition of Curinga's closet M. ANTONUCCI, The headquarters of the mint of Rome from antiquity to today MC MOLINARI, The golds in the name of Julius Caesar and Aulus lrzio D. FORABOSCHI, Roman Egypt: beer, taxes and inflation. S. BUSSI, Zenobia / Cleopatra: image and propaganda. F. LOPEZ SANCHEZ, Le monnayage de Priscus Attalus B. PASZKIEWICZ, An italian die-sinker and a king of Poland L. LENZI, the chapters dedicated to coins in the "Pratica di mercatu¬ra" by Ser Lodovico Bertini (1480) G. GIROLA, The mint of Musso on Lake Como F. SAETTI, the titles of Captain General and Gonfaloniere of the Holy Roman Church on Italian coins of the Renaissance with portrait L. GIANAZZA, Two clandestine mints of the seventeenth century and a project of the mint in age Napoleonic F. MISSERE FONTANA, Benedetto Bacchini (1651-1721) between chronology and numismatics P. VOLTOLNA, A numismatic treasure from the Correr museum in Venice L. MEZZAROBA, Francesco Striore's medal work Table article ML BATES from 2002 .

Very good condition.



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