Italian numismatic magazine, II-III quarter, 1922

Italian journal of numismatics and related sciences. Founded in 1888 by Solone Ambrosoli. Published by the Italian Numismatic Society, Editorial and administration in the Castello Sforzesco, Milan, vol. V, s. II, n. XXXV, II-III quarter, 1922, pp. 69-196, 337-368, richly illustrated, 25 cm, br. and.

From the Index: C. Albizzati, The last toga; U. Monneret de Villard, Byzantine Exagia in glass; B. Homan, The circulation of gold coins in Hungary from the tenth to the fourteenth century and the European gold crisis in the fourteenth century; C. Vicenzi, Notes on a storage of medieval coins found in Cisano (Bergarno); A. Cunietti-Gonnet, Saluzzo coins named by Count Carlo di Saluzzo di Castellar in a family manuscript; G. Castellani, The numismatic work of Nicolò Papadopoli. In the Appendix: SC Johnson, The Italian claims of Trentino and Venezia Giulia in the medals. Part IV. The armistice (1918-1920), pp. 337-368.

In excellent condition. Extremely rare.



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