Numismatics and related sciences, n. 1, 1936
Numismatics and related sciences. Bimonthly magazine, P. & P. Santamaria, Rome, a. II, n. 1, January-February 1936, pp. 1-28, richly illustrated, 1 pl., 30 cm.
From the Summary: Oscar E. Ravel, Discovery of Pegasi (with a splendid panel); Lucio Vassili, Numismatic contribution to the empire of Majorian (457-461), with Presentation by prof. S. Ricci); Hans Nussmaum, An unpublished coin by Solferino; Luigi Rizzoli, The gold offered to Venice in 1796 (from an osella of the Republic); Numismatic bibliography; Reviews; The new Royal Institute of Numismatics; etc.
Elegant ex libris on the back cover.
Minimal traces of use on the cover, interior in more than good condition.