Consoli Vasta, Studies on public loans and paper money
Salvatore Consoli Vasta, Studies on public loans and paper money, by Nicola Jovene Libraio-Editore, Naples 1879, pp. IV, 348, 20 cm, br. and.
There are several interesting chapters, including: Nature and variety of public loans; Financial state of Italy from 1860 to 1872; Paper money; Difference between banknote and metallic currency; Bill of 1844; Governments issue the card in their own name or appoint one or more banks; Influence on paper money; Law's system and other systems based on ordinary paper circulation; The international exchange; History of paper money in: France, England, Russia, Austria, America, Italy; The legal tender in Italy from 1870 to 1875; Discussion in parliament in May 1876 between the partisans and the opponents of the bank unit; The Depretis project; etc.
A few very small defects on the edges of the paperback, otherwise intact and in excellent condition.
Work of extreme rarity, missing in all specialized libraries repertoriate.