Collection Ing. Arturo Cuzzi of Trieste and other amateurs, part II, Coins of Italian mints

Michele Baranowski, Ing. Arturo Cuzzi Collection of Trieste and other amateurs, part II, Coins of Italian mints. Numismatic books, 11 December 1929, Stabilimento Tipolitografico V. Bartelli & C., Milan 1929, pp. 186, 32 plates, 29 cm, half-cloth binding with marbled paper plates and gold titles on the spine.

The catalog presents 2296 specimens, of which 148 from the House of Savoy and the Kingdom, 75 from Piedmont, 90 from Liguria, 271 from Lombardy, 838 from Veneto, 171 from Emilia, 145 from Tuscany, 307 from the popes and the Lazio mints, 187 of southern Italy, etc.

Text embellished with the indication of the hammer prices handwritten in elegant handwriting next to each lot. Title page applied on cardboard.

Plate 33 absent, contemporary handwritten annotations with marked deletions on the first two leaves, traces of use, otherwise publication still usable with intact and solid binding.




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