Contemporary numismatics

Discover the vast and fascinating collection of books dedicated to contemporary numismatics, a field that covers coins issued from the 19th century to the present day. This category offers a detailed overview of modern coins, including those minted during significant historical periods such as the Victorian era, the two world wars, the birth and evolution of modern national economies, and up to the commemorative and special issues of the 21st century. Each work in this section has been carefully selected to provide you with insights into a wide range of topics, including modern minting techniques, stylistic and iconographic evolutions, monetary laws, and their impact on global economies and cultures. The volumes span from the early industrial coins of the 19th century, which marked the beginning of the modern era of coinage, to contemporary coins that reflect the social, political, and technological changes of our time. This collection is perfect for experienced collectors, scholars, and enthusiasts who wish to deepen their understanding of modern coins and their role in recent history. Whether you are looking for a volume to enrich your personal collection, conduct in-depth studies, or simply explore new perspectives on contemporary numismatics, you will find invaluable resources in this category. Explore contemporary numismatics now and embark on a journey through recent monetary history, discovering how coins have reflected and influenced the epochal changes of the last two centuries.

    • New

    XII Philatelic Numismatic...


    XII Philatelic Numismatic Convention and first exhibition in the city of Milan. With the presentation of studies and tests of coinage of the Italian Republic and of the latest medals minted by the Mint. Catalogue, sn, Milan 1980, pp. 18, richly illustrated, cm 24.

    On the cover: Under the patronage of Il Gazzettino Numismatico, at the Congress Center, Hotel Michelangelo. Milan 80, 15 and 16 November.

    In perfect condition. Extremely rare.

    • New

    Coins in grams and ounces


    Peter Rosner, Michele Werner, Coins in grams and ounces, NumisCom Editions, Turin 1980, pp. 98, cm 22, softcover ed.

    Parallel title: Coins in grams and ounces.


    In more than good condition. Uncommon publication.

    • New

    Jaeger, Die Münzprägungen der...


    Kurt Jaeger, Die Münzprägungen der deutschen Staaten vor Einführung der Reichswährung, Band 9, Königreich Preußen 1786-1873, 2 Erweiterte Auflage, Münzen und Medaillen, Basel 1970, pp. 127, richly illustrated, 1 tab. geogr. to col. folded, 22 cm, card. and.

    Attached: Bewertungstabelle Herbst 1970, pp. 4.

    In excellent condition.

    • New

    Yeoman, A guide book of United...


    RS Yeoman, A guide book of United States Coins. Fully illustrated catalog and valuation list. 1616 to date, A brief history of American coinage, early American coins and tokens, early mint issues, 32nd Revised Edition 1979, Western Publ. Co., Racine 1978, pp. 256, richly illustrated, 20 cm, card. and.

    In excellent condition.

    • New

    Yeoman, A guide book of United...


    RS Yeoman, A guide book of United States Coins. Fully illustrated catalog and valuation list. 1616 to date, Including a brief history of American coinage, early American coins and tokens, early mint issues, 31st Revised Edition 1978, Western Publ. Co., Racine 1977, pp. 256, richly illustrated, 20 cm, card. and.

    In excellent condition.

    Contribution from the Museum of...


    Contribution from the Museum of History and Technology, Papers 31-33 on numismatics, Smithsonian Institution, Washington 1970, pp. 288 overall, richly illustrated, 29 cm, binding in all red cloth with titles on the spine and impressed decorations on the front cover.

    Special edition beautifully bound including a collection of three important contributions:

    1) Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli, History of the national numismatic collections, pp. 108.

    2) Elvira Eliza Clain-Stefanelli, Numismatics. An ancient science. A survey of its history, pp. 102.

    3) Elivira Eliza Clain-Stefanelli, Italian coin engravers since 1800, pp. 68.

    The second title is fundamental for the study of numismatic literature, while the third is characterised by its importance in the study of contemporary Italian coins and medals, with particular attention to the mints of Turin, Milan, Venice, Genoa, Florence, Parma, Rome (some projects for the Kingdom of Italy are also presented) and Naples (where rare Bourbon medals stand out).

    In excellent condition.

    Libero Mangieri, The...


    Giuseppe Libero Mangieri, The Pomarici-Santomasi numismatic collection. 2500 years of history, Italian Scientific Editions, Naples 1996, pp. XVIII, 258, 4 tablets a col., numerous ill. bn, cm 31, canvas with gold titles on the spine.

    Catalog of the prestigious Pomarici-Santomasi collection which presents 1608 specimens divided as follows: Greek period 1-107, Roman republican period 108-423, Roman imperial period 424-559, Byzantine period 560-592, medieval and modern period 593-1608.

    In excellent condition.

    Martorana Genuardi, Gold coinage...


    Pierluigi Martorana Genuardi di Molinazzo, Gold coinage in Sicily from the Punic period to the Kingdom of Italy, PMG Edition, Palermo 2007, pp. 56, 239, fully illustrated in colour with enlargements, 35 cm, fine full leather binding with four raised bands on the spine, gold titles and decorations on the spine and covers, red velvet endpapers.

    Work printed in 500 copies.

    This copy is embellished with a long autograph dedication by the author on the frontispiece and his signature in ballpoint pen at the bottom of the Preface.

    In excellent condition.

    Probszt, Die Münzen Salzburgs


    Günter Probszt, Die Münzen Salzburgs, Association Internationale des Numismates Professionnels, Kommissionsverlag Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, Bâle, Graz 1959, pp. 289, 27 beautiful plates, 24 cm, binding in full edition. with black titles on the spine and front cover.

    Series: Publications de l'Association Internationale des Numismates Professionnels, 1.

    Minimal abrasion on the back, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Galeotti, The coins of the Grand...


    Arrigo Galeotti, The coins of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, S. Belforte & C. Publishing House, Livorno 1930, pp. 536, richly illustrated, 34 cm, elegant editorial binding in full cloth, with gold titles and fillets on the spine and front plate.

    Work printed in 300 numbered copies, this is the n. 272.

    Text of considerable importance for the study of the coins examined.

    Slight traces of use on the plates, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Very rare original edition.

    Galeotti, The coins of the Grand...


    Arrigo Galeotti, The coins of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, S. Belforte & C. Publishing House, Livorno 1930, pp. 536, richly illustrated, 34 cm, luxurious editorial binding dedicated to the first printed copies, in half leather, with heavy paper endcaps, gold titles and fillets on the spine and front plate.

    Work printed in 300 numbered copies, this is the n. 2.

    Text of considerable importance for the study of the coins examined.

    Ordinary traces of use on the spine, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Very rare original edition.

    Bailly, La Cote des monnaies...


    Alain Bailly, La Cote des monnaies francaises en or de Philippe IV à la III République, AB Finance, La Rochelle 1997, pp. 166, richly illustrated, 22 cm, br. and.

    Insignificant traces of use, otherwise in perfect condition.

    Meyer, Das deutsche notgeld,...


    Hans Meyer, Das deutsche notgeld, Heft 8, Private Notmünzen 1915-1923, Gesamt-Deutschland, Verlag Proh, Berlin 1976, pp. 140, richly illustrated, 21 cm, br. and.

    Series: Die Münze, 9.

    Interesting volume on German emergency coins.

    Very slight traces of use on the paperback, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Very rare.

    Cuba, Issues of money and bills...


    Cuba. Issues of coins and bills 1915-1980, Museo Numismatico del Banco Nacional de Cuba, Cuba 1980, pp. 96, richly illustrated, 22 cm, br. and.

    In excellent condition.

    Prifix 1990, Catalog illustré...


    Romain Probst, André Ungeheuer, Prifix 1990. Catalog illustré des monnaies des Trévires, monnaies luxembourgeoises (984-1990), médailles en or (1953-1990), Banque du Timbre et lux-numis, Luxembourg 1990, pp. 176, richly illustrated, 19 cm, br. and.

    In excellent condition.

    HMZ Katalog, Schweiz...


    HMZ Katalog, Schweiz Liechtenstein, 15 Jahrhundert bis Gegenwart, Albert Meier, Hilterfingen 1977, pp. 256, richly illustrated, 18 cm, card. and.

    In excellent condition.

    Italian Regional Coins. Emilia


    Alberto Varesi, Italian Regional Coins. Emilia, Second Edition, Varesi Numismatic Editions, Pavia 2009, pp. 320, richly illustrated, 25 cm, cart. and.

    New one. Rare.

    Gamberini di Scarfea, Current...


    Cesare Gamberini di Scarfea, Current basic prices of proofs and designs of Italian coins or minted in Italy from the French invasion to the present day (1796-1955) following the numbering and notes of the volume by Antonio Pagani (Ed. M. Ratto 1957, Milan), La Grafica Emiliana Editrice, Bologna 1959, pp. 36, 28 cm.

    Edition of 500 copies.

    In excellent condition. very rare.

    Monnaies francaises 1789-1977


    Monnaies francaises 1789-1977, Victor Gadoury, Troisième Edition révisée et corrigée, Baden-Baden 1977, pp. 320, richly illustrated, 21 cm, editorial binding in imitation leather with gold titles and decorations on the spine and front cover.

    The volume presents all the French coins minted from 1789 to 1977, listed according to their nominal value and in chronological order.

    Minimal signs of wear, otherwise in excellent condition.

    The Neapolitan coinage from...


    The Neapolitan coinage from Charles to Francis II of Bourbon (1734-1860), edited by Francesco Acton, Michele Pannuti, Gaetano Filangieri Museum, Naples 1975, pp. VII, 180, richly illustrated in black and white, 25 cm, br. and.

    Catalog of the exhibition held at the Gaetano Filangieri Civic Museum in Naples from 23 April to 4 May 1975.

    In excellent condition .

    Persuasive nummo vetere. Studies...


    Persuasive nummo vetere. Studies in honor of Giovanni Gorini, edited by Michele Asolati, Bruno Callegher, Andrea Saccocci, collaboration by Cristina Crisafulli, Esedra Editrice, Padua 2016, pp. XX, 481, richly illustrated in col., Cm 30, br. and.

    The most illustrious scholars in the world of the two disciplines participated in this collection of essays on numismatics and archeology, gathered to celebrate Professor Giovanni Gorini: Michel Amandry, Ermanno A. Arslan, Silvana Balbi de Caro, Tomislav Bilić, Lorenzo Braccesi, Gian Pietro Brogiolo, Andrew Burnett, Maria Caccamo Caltabiano, Renata Cantilena, Loredana Capuis, Daniele Castrizio, Alessandro Cavagna, Francisca Chaves Tristán, Michael H. Crawford, Francois de Callatay, Armando De Guio, Marko Dizdar, Emanuela Ercolani Cocchi, Irene Favaretto, Wolfgang Fischer -Bosssert, Salvatore Garraffo, Francesca Ghedini, Liliana Giardino, Catherine Grandjean, Maria Teresa Lachin, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Giovanni Leonardi, Ivan Mirnik, Cécile Morrisson, Stefania Montanaro, Bernhard Overbeck, Nicola Parise, Rossella Pera, Claudia Perassi, Stefania Pesavento Mattioli, Richard Reece, Guido Rosada, Cecilia Rossi, Adriano Savio, Patrizia Serafin, Aldo Siciliano, Marina Taliercio Mensitieri, Tuukka Talvi or, Melinda Torbágyi, Ioannis Touratsoglou, Adriana Travaglini, Paola Zanovello.

    New one.

    Italian gold coins. Catalog of...


    Italian gold coins. Catalog of coins issued from 1252 to 1945 with degrees of rarity and public sales awards, edited by Lorenzo Bellesia, 2 vols., Nomisma, Serravalle 2002, pp. 616 overall, richly illustrated, 30 cm, cart. and. with titles on the spine and on the front plate, dust jacket and slipcase.

    Volume I: Ancona-Novellara, pp. 320.

    Volume II: Padua-Verona-Savoy, pp. 296.

    Important work for scholars and collectors. It shows the Italian gold coins with the awards of the international auctions of over a century.

    Insignificant traces of use on the first cards of vol. II, otherwise in excellent condition.

    Pius IX in coins and medals


    Pius IX in coins and medals, sn, Rome 1979, pp. 168, richly illustrated, 24 cm, br. and.

    Catalog of the exhibition held in Rome at Palazzo Barberini from 7 to 20 February 1979.

    Edition of 1000 numbered copies, this is the n. 318.

    In excellent condition. Uncommon publication.

    Muntoni, The coins of the popes...


    Francesco Muntoni, The coins of the popes and papal states, 4 volumes, P. & P. Santamaria, Rome 1972-1974, first edition, pp. 1249 overall, ill., 224 plates, 31 cm, imitation leather ed. with titles and decorations in gold on the back and on the front plate.

    Volume I: pp. XLVIII, 240, 45 plates.

    Volume II: pp. 288, 46-104 plates.

    Volume III: pp. 308, 105-172 plates.

    Volume IV: pp. 365, 173-224 plates.

    Fundamental work for the study of the examined coins.

    In excellent condition.

    Very rare.