Numismatics, n. 2, 1941
Numismatics. Bimonthly magazine of numismatics, medals, glyptics, sphragistics, P. & P. Santamaria, Rome, a. VII, n. 2, March-April 1941, pp. 33-60, richly illustrated, 30 cm.
From the Summary: Notes on numismatic criticism (I). The date of the personification of Constantinople and the golden medallions of the Theodosian time; What was the capital of Frentania. The re-examination of the question and the numismatic subsidy; The half follaro beaten for Naples by Pandolfo II, Prince of Capua in 1027; A very modest contribution to the Corpus Nummorum Italicorum; Numismatic bibliography; Medalist; Reviews; etc.
Very good condition. Rare.