Gorini, Enemonzo's closet and the coinage of the Noricum
Giovanni Gorini, Enemonzo's closet and the coinage of Norico, Esedra Editrice, Padua 2005, pp. 162, richly illustrated, 27 cm, br. and.
Numismatica Patavina, 6. Series directed by Giovanni Gorini.
The fortunate occasion of the discovery in Friuli of a storage room of 40 tetradrams of the "Kugelreiter" type, associated with 359 republican Roman victors, made it possible to substantially modify the chronology of these issues. In fact, for this monetary series there can no longer be any reason for a chronology to exist at 60 BC. C. An attribution to the middle of the second century is preferable. to. C. for a whole series of numismatic, ponderal, epigraphic, typological and finally historical elements.
New one.