Vaillant, Numismata imperatorum Augustarum et Caesarum

Jean Foy Vaillant, Numismata imperatorum Augustarum et Caesarum, à Populis Romanae ditionis Graece loquentibus ex omni modulo percussa: quibus urbium nomina, dignitates, praerogativae, societates, epochae, numina, illustres, magistratus, festa, ludi, certamina, & alia plurima spectantia consignatur, ex typis Andreae Cramoisy, Lutetiae Parisiorum 1698, pp. XVI, 500, typographic mark on the frontispiece with monogram, headbands, end caps and xylographic caps, 27 cm, coeval waiting paperback.

First edition of this work by the famous French numismatist Jean Foy Vaillant (1632-1706), assigned first to the Cabinet des médailles of Louis Augustus of Bourbon, then to the Cabinet des médailles of the king of France with the task of classifying it and elaborating a catalog. He was also a member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres since its foundation.

Signature of belonging and date on the paperback. Traces of use in the corners of the first three cards, halo of old millstone that mainly affects the internal margin, for the rest the work is overall in a good state of conservation, in beards and with fresh paper.

Very rare work.



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